
Contract Grading CODES Aaliyah Lindsey  

Dear Dr. Hilderbrant,  

To receive an A in this course, these are the goals I plan to implement into my learning and how I plan to accomplish them.  

6.b: Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of the complexity of elements important to members of another culture in relation to history, values, politics, communication styles, economy, or beliefs and practices. To me this means being able to recognize and peel back all the layers/inner workings of another culture and use this knowledge to have a well-rounded understanding of the world. An understanding that does not only derive from your own personal experience or experiences of the masses. I plan to demonstrate in MC# 2 where we do a current state analysis of our research problem. I’ll also demonstrate this in my source analysis specifically SA#2 and SA#3.  I’d like this to be 20% of my grade.

5.a: Defines the scope of research questions effectively and selects information cogently to address them. I can demonstrate this in SA #1 and MC#1 when I write about how our research problem fits the 6 characteristics for a wicked problem and how our research team might define the problem. I can also demonstrate this in SA#5 where we reflect on an image taken during our visit to the garden. I’d like this to be worth 15% of my grade.

8 b. Uses compelling, appropriate delivery techniques.  To me this means being able to deliver relevant information skillfully in a manner that allows others to clearly see how you have reached specific conclusions and developed thoughtful lines of reasoning. I plan to do this in MC #3 by creating a clear and concise explanation of our research problem. The more effort I put into having my evidence ready to go, the easier it will be for me to write confidently.  This will account for 30% of my grade.

9.a: Constructs insightful problem statements with evidence of relevant factors. This skill will be especially useful in MC#2 when I conduct a current state analysis of our research problem. I can show pictures of my notes in my e-portfolio on chapter 1 and 2 of Remington-Doucette.  This can also be seen in MC#3. I’d like this goal to be worth 20%.

7.a. Explores a topic in depth, yielding a rich awareness and/or little-known information indicating intense interest in the subject. This can be shown by uploading photos of my notes, brainstorming maps, charts/graphs I’ve created, and by looking at any of our assigned source analysis. This will be 15% of my grade.