Aaliyah Lindsey’s Portfolio

During the first half of this semester, I’ve improved on skills that I already possesed while also recognizing the areas where I need to grow. I’ve learned how to think critically about various pieces of literature, how to collaborate most effectively with others, and how vital it is to be patient with yourself(especially in a program like CODES). It’s been a pleasure to have a classroom that is genuinely a safe space to share ideas, thoughts, and concerns. Although CODES is shaping me to become an academic weapon, i’ve endured challenges like everyone else. The biggest one for me has definently been time management and promptly meeting deadlines. When I get my work submitted it is usually well done but, it does not look good turning in an assigment 1 week after it was due. I’m working on it. Despite this, I do believe that I’ve achieved the goals in my grading contract thus far. My evidence is below!

Semester Completed!

It is now the end of the semester and I’ve accomplished so much in CODES! I learned so much and improved on so many skills. Skills that I’ll have to draw from for the entirety of my academic career. It was amazing being able to work with MOBOT and everyone else in my cohort. I’m looking forward to see what adventures and knowledge second semester will bring!

Goal 1:(25%) Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of the complexity of elements important to members of another culture in relation to history, values, politics, communication styles, economy, or beliefs and practices.

Below is a small section of notes that I took while reading “The Office of Historical Corrections”.

This text was plesantly thought provoking and I thoroughly enjoyed reading this portion. It touched on so many big concepts while telling a pretty compelling story.

Despite the briefness of this piece, it still encouraged me to put myself into the shoes of people who are different from me and may have experienced things I never have and probably never will as a person who is fully black.

Above is the script that I created for our presentation on minority owned businesses in Tower Grove. I think it was neat how I was able to connect our argument back to history through examples like Black Wall Street. There’s also a blend of cultures and ethnicities here. Writing the script was the easiest part of this assignment!

Goal 2: (30%) Adapts and applies a deep understanding of multiple worldviews, experiences, and power structures while initiating meaningful interaction with other cultures to address significant global problems.

Above is a small section of notes that I took while reading “The Office of Historical Corrections”.

This is the document that me and my team used to document all of our information after we visited Tower Grove. It took a long time to finish completely but we got it done because everyone played their part while also helping each other out if need be. We got to learn information about different cultures directly from people who belong to those cultures which is genuinely such a wholesome experience!

Above is a voice recording of me practicing my script for the our presentation on African American knowledge in the herbarium. This script pulls information from almost everything we learned this semseter and synthesizes it into one piece.

Goal 3: (10%)Uses compelling, appropriate delivery techniques.

Above is the final product of digital project #2. The video includes over 25 images that chronologically correlate to the voiceover. My audience for this project was people who have gambling addictions. Since the article I chose to analyze discussed the yard sale model, I saw it as the perfect opprotunity to draw a connection between how the yard sale model system is very similar to gambling in casinos. This is why the video begins by showing a guy repeatedly hitting a casino game screen. Sound effects and GIFS also strengthened the “compelling” aspect of my delivery techniques. My tone is emphatic and consistent throughout the video as well.

This is a rough draft of my script for the voiceover I did in DP#2. Displaying the start of this process shows a small portion of the steps I took reach a cohesive end for my project.

Above is an audio clip of me interviewing the owner of Jay’s Grocery Store, Jay. He was super sweet and open to answering my questions. I gained valuable insight from his testimony, it was very eye opening!

Goal 4:(20%)Reads using an appropriate lens and can engage in a continuing dialogue within and beyond a discipline or a community of readers.

Above is my groups final storymap for our research on the minority owned businesses in Tower Grove. This project was so engaging, fun, and overall intellectually stimulating. Getting to enage with business owners from a wide range of cultures and learning how they started and maintained their establishments. While conducting the interviews, it was interesting to see the difference in their responses to the same questions.

Above is an audio clip of me interviewing the owner of Jay’s Grocery Store, Jay. He was super sweet and open to answering my questions. Jay’s experience was unique because he managed to create a sucessful business as an immigrant in America. The challenges he had to face were much greater making his success even more astounding!

Goal 5:(15%)Uses language to skillfully communicate with clarity and fluency


The link provided above shows the final version of my multimodal compositon essay titled Sledgehammer for a Voice. In this assignment I demonstrated my ability to mainpulate techinques such as imagery, syntax, line length, and storytelling to produce a piece of writing that displays my journey finding my voice as a poet.

Pictured above is a screen shot of the very first paragraph of my essay. I explain how since I was a child, I’ve always had this desire for something “more”. This idea appears abstract intially but I elaborate later on. To get the reader to understand or attempt to empathize with my feelings, I describe the feeling of “wanting more” as 1) Anticipatory anxiety and 2) A ball of electricity in my palms. These two things make for a engaging opening. I also include a photo of my journal opened on a page where I wrote some self affirmations.

In this part of my essay, you can see how I use syntax and line length to demonstrate a poetic ambience kind of feel to the piece as a whole.

Here you can see the utilization of imagery and also a quote from the legendary Maya Angelou. The quote provides a full circle experience because it captures the meaning of the title: Sledgehammer for a Voice

Above is a snapshot of me creating the material that would go into the slide in our storymap titled ” How Minority Owned Businesses Stand on Business.” This slide connects our central argument back to history to provide historical context of how POC have always had difficulty flourishing in white spaces. I use engaging and percise language to stress the common theme of perserverance present in black culture.