
Contract Grading CODES Aaliyah Lindsey  

Dear Dr., DeSpain 

To receive an A in this course, these are the goals I plan to implement into my learning and how I plan to accomplish them.  

6.b: Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of the complexity of elements important to members of another culture in relation to history, values, politics, communication styles, economy, or beliefs and practices. (25%) To me this means being able to recognize and peel back all the layers/inner workings of another culture and use this knowledge as not only an intellectual leg to stand on but to have a well-rounded understanding of the world. An understanding that does not only derive from your own personal experience. I plan to do this by using a diverse range of sources in my digital projects. (Primary sources, academic journals, databases, etc…) 

4.a: a. Adapts and applies a deep understanding of multiple worldviews, experiences, and power structures while initiating meaningful interaction with other cultures to address significant global problems. (30%) For this outcome I am striving to recognize the overlapping relationships and power structures within intersectionality. I can highlight this in my reflections with my brainstorming maps. This will allow viewers to see step by step how I curated my line of reasoning to arrive at any given conclusion.  

8.c: b. Uses compelling, appropriate delivery techniques. (%10) To me this means being able to deliver relevant information skillfully in a manner that allows others to clearly see how you have reached specific conclusions and developed thoughtful lines of reasoning. I plan to do this by using notecards and PowerPoints for projects like digital project #2. Since this project requires submission of a YouTube video, this will be the best place to demonstrate it. The more effort I put into having my evidence ready to go, the easier it will be for me to speak confidently.  

11.c: Reads using an appropriate lens and can engage in a continuing dialogue within and beyond a discipline or a community of readers. For me this means being able to not just learn but to also utilize what you have learned in real life to facilitate discussions on your own. This can also mean making connections between the materials in my CODES course with my other classes. I can display these overlapping connections in my notes and reflections by synthesizing all the materials into one space. (20%)  

13.c: Uses language to skillfully communicate with clarity and fluency. To achieve this outcome means to write with a cadence that screams “I know what I’m talking about!” It means to be well versed; I plan to do this by making it a priority to familiarize myself with all relevant vocabulary, grammar technicalities, and speech techniques. I can demonstrate mastery of this skill through reflections, essays, and class discussion.  (15%)