
Dear Dr. Despain,
During my first year, I am looking to receive an A in the CODES 121 class in my freshman year. The following letter is how I will achieve this goal.

1A) Demonstrates ability and commitment to collaboratively work across and within community contexts and structures. (20%) Community collaboration has always been a core value to me. Having the ability to work with other people regardless of differences is essential for good work to be done. During the
portrait assignment, although I had a vision for the project, I was able to work with my group
and listen to my team members in order to effectively complete the assignment.

5B) Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of the complexity of elements important to members of another culture in relation to history, values, politics, communication styles, economy, or beliefs and practices. (30%) This and the previous value are critical to get a proper understanding of the elements at play in any group setting. Being a straight, white man, I have the advantage in society and therefor my framing of things can be inadvertently skewed. Talking to my groupmates from other backgrounds during the research teams have given me a greater perspective on life.

8A) Uses clear organizational patterns and is skillful at presenting content cohesively. (20%) Being an avid academic scholar and activist, the act of presenting to a group of people is paramount to both inform and challenge the audience. My work with the PSL party has pushed me to spread ideas of unity and community amongst all workers. The photos taken in the photobook are an example of proper organizational skills, with the group organizing the images to convey the ideas in an effective way.

13C) Uses language to skillfully communicate with clarity and fluency. (15%) The use of the English language is critical to the construction of effective and impactful written works. My contributions to the Spartacus League newspaper have given me a wide set of skills, along with my writings in the first reflection.

7B) Pursues knowledge and educational experience beyond the classroom. (15%) Learning is a constant throughout all of life. The ability to learn and educate is a unique virtue that CODES gives me access too. By searching for new information in the field, such as asking questions at JJKFAN and networking with my fellow CODES scholars, I can better understand the world around me.

The following learning outcomes will allow me to succeed in CODES and beyond. These
skills are more than just a grade, but a structure to live my life.

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