Jigsaw #1: Biodiversity conservation as a promising frontier for behavioral science
Team members: Aaliyah Lindsey, Aydien Noel, Alejandra Beltran, Kadynce Sanders, Juan Espericueta and Jay Alcin.
Teamwork Reflection: It was an amazing experience to see how much you can learn from other’s points of view. I was able to look at the paper with different eyes and perspectives which allowed me to present the theme in a more effective way when we were on the other teams. It was just me and Aydien but we worked it out.
Jigsaw #2: Combining Science and Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Monitoring
Populations for Co-Management
Team members: Zach Tobias, Hunter Cummins, Jonathan Brown, Ale Beltran, Sophia Overturf, Li Lindsey
Teamwork Reflection: This one felt super easy because each one of us read it and answer the questions together. I really liked to dig deeper on the topic with Dr. Aranda.
Jigsaw #3: Indigenous knowledge and the shackles of wilderness
Team members: Zach Tobias, Hunter Cummins, Jonathan Brown, Ale Beltran, Sophia Overturf, Li Lindsey
Teamwork Reflection:Second time working with this team and it was just as great as the last time. I was able to use my teammate’s answers to lengthen mine because it was a confusing paper for me. I enjoyed working with this team
Jigsaw #4: Indigenous knowledge and rangelands’ biodiversity conservation in Tanzania: success and failure
Team members: Brandon Underwood, Troy Shaffer, Zach Tobias, Aaliyah Lindsey and Karmen Thornton
Teamwork Reflection: This last one was my favorite from all of them not only because of the team but because of the topic. Unfortunately I wasn’t in class for this activity but I was able to chat with one of my teammates about it and I completed my task.