

Through this contract I would like to let you know my expectations and purposes to be successful in this course. My five learning outcomes in order to achieve an are: 

6.c: 25% Suspend judgment in interactions with people culturally different from themselves. During this course, I want to maintain a positive and respectful attitude toward my classmates and teachers, respecting their ideals and culture. I commit to being an open person and keeping my eyes and ears open so I can learn from my classmates and teachers about our cultural differences. 

  1. In order to succeed at this, I will have to keep my mind open to the opinion that my teammates have and listen to their comments to achieve excellent work. My group is extremely diverse, and we come from different types of cultures that is why this is a important point.
  2.  In order to demonstrate my progress regarding this topic, I commit to write down a short reflection in my e-portfolio, every time I work in a team, in which I will express something that I find interesting about what my classmates commented. I will mention specific names and I will try to quote everything that has positively marked my learning path through CODES. 


2.b: 25% Takes risks in assignments and in approaches to learning to create new knowledge.  

I want to stay passionate about learning, taking risks, and getting out of my comfort zone. I promise to broaden my vision, listen to my teachers and classmates and take the best of their testimonials and comments in order to take advantage of everything I learn during this course.  

  1. This point will help me a lot in achieving my commitment to stay positive about learning and get out of my comfort zone to acquire new skills and knowledge.
  2. I will to attach photos, videos or some way to document a skill that I have acquired based on my assignments. I will document every new thing I learn and if possible, I will apply it in some other class, which I will also document in my e-portfolio. 


8.c: 20% Develops clear, innovative central messages with significant supporting materials.  

My compromise is to always look for sources of information that are 100% reliable and always ensure that the work that I present is always consistent and does not lose the main message. 

  1. In each of my assignments I need to do different types of research. I will have to consult different sources of information, and this is where I will be able to apply my commitment to being extremely objective when deciding which one I will use for my purposes. 
  2. I will attach links to my assignments of the sources of information I consult and to be extremely careful about the pages I visit to extract information by verifying the domain and whether the site is safe or not. 


9.c: 15% Implement solutions to address multiple contextual factors. I will work hard to generate solutions that encompass and solve problems of any kind. I am aware that multiple problems of any kind can arise in the middle of our path, and this is why I want to work on being bold and intelligent to find the solution as soon as possible and execute it effectively and successfully. 

  1. Naturally I will have to face some difficulties throughout this course and probably in many of my assignments, but it will be here where I will be able to improve my ability to find the appropriate solution to the problem. 
  2. I will contact my teachers whenever I have a question regarding a problem of any kind that may arise while I am doing my assignments or projects. In the same way, I will relate the problem and the solution that I was able to find, in a specific section that I will have on my e-portfolio where I’m going to express the problems that I had to face and the solution that was given. 


13.c: 15% Uses language to skillfully communicate with clarity and fluency. 

For me, being a Mexican girl, whose first language is not English, it is difficult to communicate certain things accurately. I am committed to improve my communication skills as well as my confidence in order to communicate clearly, fluently, and objectively everything I need to express. 

  1. The REFLECTIONS that I will have to write caught my attention because I know that this will be one of the opportunities that I will have to improve my abilities to communicate in another language that is not my main language. 
  2. In each of my subjects, I will be able to test my English and that is where it will be reflected if I am completing this commitment successfully or not. I will also have a document where I will talk about new words that I have learned and how I can use them in my daily life.