During the first half of the semester, I feel that I’ve learned a lot about how I work alone, how I work with other people, and the general way that CODES is run. All of these things are good for me to realize and will help me in the future when it comes to making decisions on projects and other assignments. I really enjoyed being able to have some sort of freedom when it came to deciding the format of our assignment and how “informal” we wanted to be when writing them. Something that I feel that I struggled with, however, was that I was making a lot of the assignments more complicated than they actually were. This caused me to become more stressed than I needed to be. I want to continue developing and learning more about myself through the skills listed below.
Goal 1 (20%)
Based on 11a: I will evaluate texts’ scholarly significance to apply reading to other contexts or issues.
In each of these Source Analyses (#1 and #2), I focused on how the text related to how current events and common issues in government effect people and cities. I was able to do this because each of these assignments gave me the ability to input my own views while still analyzing the text. In the future, I might go more in depth on specific events to further strengthen my arguement.
Goal 2 (20%)
Based on 13b: I will use appropriate, relevant, and compelling content to illustrate mastery of the subject, conveying my understanding, and shaping the whole work.
In my MC1 (Infrastructure Injures), I used a variety of different sources to shape my work. By doing this, I was able to pull the readers in and convey the overall message of the text. The reason I was able to do this was because I understood both the assignment and what I was writing about. In the future, one thing I may do differently is use more direct in-text citations. A lot of my citations were either at the end or in the form of a photo.
Goal 3 (20%)
Based on 1b: I will connect and extend knowledge from academic study to civic engagement.
In this Miro Board, I was able to share both direct and indirect stakeholders in relation to poor water quality. This helped me to relate the water quality issues the class had seen in the Flint movie to the ones listed by my peers on the Miro Board. In the future, I would want to be more specific on times/places where some of these stakeholders may have taken place/started from.
Goal 4 (20%)
Based on 2c: I will transform ideas through synthesizing knowledge form multiple domains.
In both my MC1 (Infrastructure Injures) and in my DP1 (Lost in the Verses), I used a variety of forms of media. With graphs, pictures, and music, I was able to portray the central idea of each project in a unique and creative way. This was something that I hadn’t done before in a project so I was excited to try it and I’m glad it turned out as well as it did.
Goal 5 (20%)
Based on 5a: I will define the scope of research questions effectively and select information cogently to address them.
This is an excerpt from my second Source Analysis. In this assignment, I came up with a clear solution on how to solve the problems I found related to direct and indirect drivers of human issues. This helped me to see the causes of many wicked problems because a lot of them start as small problems that direct and indirect drivers push into becoming a wicked problems. For the future, I think this assignment will help me notices wicked problems before they become “wicked” and figure out a way to solve them before it’s too late.