
  • Assignments

    Multimodal Composition #1

    The Quality of Education In Wentzville In the city where I spent my entire high school career, Wentzville, Missouri, there were several problems that caught my attention. However, the one I am talking about today is the problem in education. During my 4 years at Timberland High School, I suffered immensely both mentally and academically. The education system failed me while I was in person and virtual; leading me to find different ways to get through my time there. Therefore, I would like to shed some light on the issues of this wicked problem. Firstly, I would like to address how the quality of education has the characteristics of a…

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  • Assignments

    Reflection #1

    Learning Resources Reflection As a first year at not only SIUE, but college in general, I am working towards an A. I have compiled several goals that I wish to fulfill that will show you I deserve that grade. In addition to that, I will use this class, as well as my time here on campus, to improve academically while also growing as a person. This will in turn widen my abilities in a vast amount of academic areas, allowing me to not only fulfill my goals, but gain life skills that can be used in my daily life. The first goal that I strive to achieve is 2c, which…

  • Assignments

    Reflection #2

    “Where We Are” Reflection While reading the “Where We Are” series, I noticed a recurring theme of young people finding and making safe spaces for them to be themselves and enjoy life with each other. In the pieces that I read, they gave me an insight on how people from different backgrounds, and lives all together, can still end up chasing the same feeling and belonging together. The photo essay that I chose to look more closely at was “The Thrift Market.” This article helped me to see this connection between all of them and allowed me to reflect on the fact that everyone longs for a space where they…

  • Assignments

    Reflection #3

    “The Great Erasure” Analysis “The Great Erasure” by Charles M. Blow was fascinating to analyze. In order to make this analysis, I had to read this piece over and over again until something caught my eye. There is so much to comprehend from this piece, but it seems so simple at the same time. The argument is that support for the Black Lives Matter movement, and black lives in general, has declined now that people are forgetting about the George Floyd murder. I believe that this piece has a clear audience and although it is not devoid of rhetorical fallacies, it doesn’t let them take over to the point that…

  • Assignments

    Reflection #4

    Audience Analysis The audience that I chose for this analysis is white young adults on the social media platform, TikTok. The reason behind this choice is that I believe I have a different perspective than them when it comes to this subject and having them as an audience will provide the opportunity to challenge myself in pandering to a point of view different from mine. The first reason behind my thinking that my audience has a different perspective than me is based on how they view George Floyd. A good amount of my audience believe that George Floyd was a wanted criminal who was a major danger to society. They…

  • Assignments

    Digital Project #1

    The Trials and Tribulations of a Queer Black Woman Growing up in a world where marginalized beliefs were covered up and hidden; it was hard to comprehend why I was so different. I never had a guide or someone to give me advice whenever I felt lost and displaced. There were times when I was at my lowest point not knowing how to feel, or why I didn’t fit into the ideal child, the ideal way. Multiple times throughout my life I have felt disoriented or stuck and I didn’t know who to go to for advice. At times I would have to watch all the other kids fit in…

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