About Me

I’m from Springfield IL but I was born and spent some of my childhood in May-wood IL. I have 2 sisters and 2 Brothers ( I am the second middle child). I enjoy helping people and giving the advice when needed, I also enjoy making and watching tik toks

My plans here at SIUE is to meet new people and actually find myself I also plan on getting involved.

My career goal is nursing as of right now but I may switch later on in the year because I honestly feel like nursing isn’t something I want to really do. As of right now I am undecided on what I want to do.

My expected graduation date is 2027 if I stay on the right track .

I spend my time hanging out with my friends and finding different events or activities to do on campus.

I have overcame a lot of different obstacles these few years I learn from every obstacle that has came my way. The way