Contract 123

Dear, Dr. Smith for me to be be able to achieve a B in CODES 123, Here are some goals I have set for myself and how I will achieve them.

3a- Identifies and analyzes their core beliefs and reflects upon their origin.

  •      I chose this goal because I want to learn more bout other people’s upbringing. I will start by reflecting on my values and experiences and how my upbringing has shaped my beliefs. With this goal, I will also be able to engage in open conversations with others and be open-minded to different things.
  • I will be able to use this goal while doing my research I could show proof by showing papers that I may write.

5a- Defines the scope of research questions effectively and selects information cogently to address them. 

  • When it comes to research and other things I struggle a bit so with this goal start by identifying the main topic in whatever I am researching and going from there. This will keep me focused on one thing.

10c- Uses quantitative information to support arguments and draw logical conclusions. 

  • This goal is going to be effective because this semester we are identifying quantitive data with the surveys.
  • When telling information I want to be able to back up what I am saying in a discussion  I will show proof by providing evidence of documents.

11b- Identifies texts within and across genres, monitoring and adjusting reading strategies based on their nuances.

  • I want to be able to make myself more aware of different genres and be able to comprehend them and after reading them I will reflect upon what I have read.
  • I have done this in CODES with source analysis and reflections 

12A) Collaboration  

  • It’s another way to get involved and it’s very beneficial to me and also other people. I will develop this goal by actively listening to others and being able to work on something from both perspectives. The evidence I will show is my note-taking and using different resources.