Student Name : Bryana Nichelson
Grade Contracted For ____ A x B ____ C
What concepts are you going to learn, or skills are you going to develop? | How will you learn the content/ develop the skill? | What evidence will you add to the portfolio to demonstrate your learning? | How will you and I assess the evidence of your learning/skills? |
(15%)Based on 12.C: I will work independently towards goals by contributing to group work and meeting assignment deadlines. | Do my part in working with others Communicate with others in the group Turn in work individually | Proof of my contribution to group work Streams of Communication between me and my group members | Proof of my contribution to group work and streams of communication between me and my group members will show how I’ve done working with others and how I’ve communicated with my peers. |
(25%)Based on 11.A: I will evaluate texts’ scholarly significance to apply to other context or issues. | Relate my research to our specific topic Only use sources significant to our research | Explanation of the significance of the source in writing | Explanation of the significance of my sources will prove that I’ve practiced the skill of relating my research to a specific topic and using sources significant to my research. |
(25%)Based on 13.A: I will show a thorough understanding of context audience and purpose of sources. | Gain thorough understanding of context, audience, and purpose | Explaining how my understanding of the topic has increased | Proof of my understanding of the topic will show that I have practiced gaining thorough understanding of context, audience, and purpose. |
(35%)Based on 10.A, 10.B, 10.C: I will skillfully represent quantitative information to support arguments and use analysis of data as the basis for drawing insightful, carefully qualified solutions. | Collect quantitative data to support my research Produce solutions based on data collected | Quantitative data will be collected and utilized in my research | Analysis of quantitative data and proof of data supporting arguments will show that I have learned how to collect quantitative data and use it to produce solutions. |