My Goals

My Majors

My majors are psychology and sociology. I chose these as my majors because I think it is fascinating how people think and what they go through. I chose psychology because I like to help people and in the future, I want to do just that. I chose sociology because it helps me view society and the thoughts behind what people think of it better.

Career Interests

My career interest is being a therapist, I want to focus on a teenage therapist more, but any kind of therapist is what I really want to do in the future. Since I want to be a therapist majoring in psychology will help me understand patients better. Majoring in sociology will help me understand the effects of society on patients.

Courses Completed

Psych 111 Intro to Psychology: In this intro class to psychology I learned the basics of psychology. I was introduced to Sigmund Freud and just a basic introduction about him. I also learned about the Bobo Doll experiment which showed us that children copy our actions. At the end of the semester, we touched on psychological disorders which I was really excited about.

Soc 111 Intro to Sociology: In sociology, I learned about the unfair world and how people are treated differently. We learned about why police were made in the first place and how people would move out of their homes if minorities moved in because they believed it lost value. This class was honestly one of my favorite classes because I believe that there are a lot of unfair things about our world.

Geo 210 Physical Geography: In this class I learned about all kinds of physical geography. I learned about oceans and volcanoes, which was my favorite topic. We also learned about precipitation, hills, mudslides and just a lot about how our planet changes and what causes it to change.

CODE 120 Research Team: I learned about Alton and more details about NCNW in our research team. I also learned a brief part about mentorships which we started in the spring semester.

CODE 121 Transdisciplinary Comm: I learned how to make an eportfolio in this class. I also learned different camera angles and what they are called. I also learned about Alton in this class because of the trip we took.

Future Courses

Psych 200 Careers in Psychology: In this class, I hope to learn about all the different options and opportunities I will be granted after I graduate. I also just want to learn what other opportunities are out there.

Soc 304 Race and Ethnic Relations: Being Hispanic, in this class I’m really looking forward to this because I want to learn more about race and think relations. In my Intro to sociology class, I remember my professor talking about this class and to me, I feel like this is a big problem within our world so I want to learn more about it.

CODE 220 Community Engagement with Science: In this class, I’m not sure what to look forward to because the name of the class gives off the idea of the science within the community but it could mean something else. If this class is about the science within the community I’m hoping we learn about the problems of communities related to the scientific view.

Cj Introduction to Corrections: In this class, I am hoping to learn more about criminal justice corrections. My first criminal justice class touches on the topic of corrections, but with this class, we are going into more detail about the corrections which I have been looking forward to.

Stat 107 Concepts of Statistics: I’m hoping to learn about statistics in this class, since I never really did in high school. I’m also just wanting to refresh my math skills since it’s been so long since I’ve taken a math class.