Current State Analysis

Audience: Community Partner

In Chapter 3 of our book (p. 119-174), we learn how to analyze the current state of a problem, including its direct and indirect drivers, causal chains, and the stakeholders involved in and impacted by the problem. Write your own current state analysis that either 1) defines the system and classifies its drivers, 2) conducts a causal chain analysis, or 3) conducts a stakeholder analysis. (Your responsibility for 1, 2, or 3 will be assigned in class). Write your composition with our community partner as our audience.

This multimodal composition should add to our work to define and understand the problem our research team is exploring. Your entry may include images, video, external links, or data. It should be between 800-1,000 words.

Submission instructions: Submit your multimodal composition as a post and choose the “Multimodal Composition 2” category.