Elijah Wills
Dr. Jack
Research Team
October 31, 2023
Wicked problems
In the research we do alot of thinking and problem solving and learn and find ways to do these things in ways we would have never thought of in past learning. Things are set up in the world for people to go and find their own paths and ways of life. So with us learning more and more everyday how to uncover history will sit us up to make the best decision for our futures as the human race of tomorrow. In this research group we are learning about how race drove a man to a garden for many people to see and celebrate his name long after he was dead. Not trying to tear down what he had built for himself because it is remarkable for someone to make one of the biggest botanical gardens in the United States but we have to let the stories of those who worked day and night make it what it is today. In the botanical garden you find some of the most beautiful things you will ever find as it comes to plants and the artwork that has been made on the grounds or has been imported there. There are flowers there that you would only see if you were able to go to a different country or the different styles of gardening such as Chinese and other native techniques of gardening and solping. Although we have to uncover the stories and dig deeper to find out what really went on to construct this beautiful place where many people go to have family days or field trips for young school kids to learn more about their cities history.
One of the things I can say about the garden is that it is a place you would never think things like slavery took place there because of all the nice and diverse things they have. So when we had finally learned the truth about what went on we had to read a chapter in our course book that made the class able to ask educated questions and draw more refined conclusions. The chapter gave us six ways that the world categorizes things. These six are Vague problems, Undefined solutions, No end point, Irreversible, Unique,and Urgent. These six categories are called the “Wicked Problems” and they just state what the world calls problems. After a deep conversion we were able to fully understand how to use the new information we just learned for the research that we were about to conduct. With Vague Problems we saw that we had a problem at the garden but what was the way that we were going to be able to let the world kno without making people’s lives bad. The reason we have to think about this is because once you uncover one thing from the past that shines darkness on something that people see as good you start to see a change in the way people look at that thing and people’s lives get turned upside down.
The Unfunded solution is where we really had trouble like stated in the last paragraph. We were going to uncover a dark past and most people don’t like when past hurt is brought. Although they don’t like it when it happens, we still have a job to do and that job is to shine justice on the family members and to endure pain for these things people see as being so great. So we had got stuck trying to find the word that would tell the truth but not make people stop coming that would make the workers lose everything they were working for their entire lives in a blink of an eye. That goes hand and hand with the next category which is No End Point, which in this case we will never be able to put a real no end point to when we will be able to stop getting information out of the garden. This is because as we dig deeper and deeper into history we find more and more information that has to be let out to the world for them to be well educated on the fact that things are not always as they seem. The next three topics that things were put in have the same meaning. They all have something to do with changing the future and all the things that would come with that. Things like Urgency, and Uniqueness go hand and hand; they both show the world things that we have never seen and to a standard that many have never thought was possible. Like ways we will uncover and show the world in ways they can remember for the rest of their lives to know the truth about history and what they can do differently to make sure not to fall in that lifestyle again. The last thing is Irreversible and with that we have come to realize what we do and show will never be able to be covered again. Once we show the world the real world we will never be able to take down what we post, write about, or anything that has to do with this garden and I am fine with changing history for the better.
In conclusion I believe the work that we are doing here is very much needed and what we have planned for the future will change lives forever. We just have to remember that once something is said or uncovered that we have to stand our ground and know that what we are doing is helping spread love to those slave families that had to work hard for this garden but never got the credit they deserved. Although I am very happy and excited for this journey and the road that we walk down with every class period.