In order for me to get an A in CODES120, I will go over the things I set out to achieve and describe how I will achieve these goals. I will work very hard to complete each goal over the course of this semester.

7a. Purses knowledge and educational experience beyond the classroom (20%). In the research team we will do alot of learning in and out of the classroom. By me trying to learn more and more outside of the classroom on a topic that we are talking about then I will have good evidence to talk about during class. I would be able to post pictures of articles I found and evidence I have and connect them to the research assignments I have to do on the word press pages or post. I feel as though I know more about the subject before we talk about it. I will have a better understanding of what the teacher is asking me. Also this can help me outside of school with jobs and different things like that

3b. Recognizes multilayered ethical issues and the cross-relationship among them.(20%). In the research that we are trying to convey we will go over the history and ethical backgrounds of many people. We will go over the slaves and helpers and Henry Shaw himself to learn the process and things they went through. It will be somewhat easy for me because I am black but not only because my father is a black history major so I have learned the questions to ask when I want direct answers to things. Although just learning how these people think and their backgrounds will expand my knowledge. 

6a. Suspends judgment in interactions with people culturally different than themselves(20%). In this goal I will meet all people from all races and backgrounds trying to come together to solve problems. I will have to engage in conversation and learn from my classmates to learn more about how they think and take in learning about the problem at hand. Making these connections now can help us in the long run and will help me with my problem solving skills and my teamwork skills for jobs in the future.

12c. Works independently toward goals by contributing and meeting deadlines(20%). This one is pretty easy to do if I do not want to work with someone because I know I will be able to get the assignment done fast and able to turn it in on time. I sometimes have trouble trusting people with my grades but I am starting to come around. I will post myself working on the wordpress page doing assignments before deadlines in the study room or my room doing work. Although this task will be easy for me because I love to work by myself and get things done on my time.

9.b. Identifies and evaluate multiple approaches for solving problems.(20%) This is a goal that I set for myself because for me it’s hard to see other approaches to problems once I have a way of doing things. This goal will help me with that and ways that I can show that is my e portfolio is by taking pictures of me working with others using their way of doing things. As I said in the first, I will use the same approach to this goal as I did that one. With taking notes and pictures of the work to upload to the e portfolio. In working in group projects I can show that we came up with multiple ways to work a problem.