2b.Takes risks in approaching learning to create new knowledge.(25%) This goal for me is a good one because when it comes to new things I am not always willing to try it or even attempt to try because of the fear of failing. I can show this new skill but taking pictures of me trying new things when it comes to learning in or learning outside the classroom. Like when we try new group projects I will try new learning tips and tricks to complete the assignment. Then I will take pictures of the notes that help me learn all these new things I have learned. The assignments that I can view this skill in are like the photo essay where I look at peoples writing styles and learn from them. 

 8b.Uses compelling, appropriate delivery techniques.(10%). This also is a big goal for me this year because I know we have a lot of speaking events and presentations that we have to do. The ways I can show this skill is by using good speaking techniques in class when answering questions and when speaking for group in class assignments. As last time I will document this skill by trying to record myself speaking on a subject in class that enables me to give a good throughout answer. I will write things down that I have learned and document them in the e portfolio with pictures of my highlighted work. The assignments that can be viewed for this skill is through speaking projects coming up.

9.b. Identifies and evaluate multiple approaches for solving problems.(25%) This is a goal that I set for myself because for me it’s hard to see other approaches to problems once I have a way of doing things. This goal will help me with that and ways that I can show that is my e portfolio is by taking pictures of me working with others using their way of doing things. As I said in the first, I will use the same approach to this goal as I did that one. With taking notes and pictures of the work to upload to the e portfolio. In working in group projects I can show that we came up with multiple ways to work a problem. 

11a. Evaluates texts’ scholarly significance to apply reading to other contexts or issues(25%). This goal is something that college is teaching me everyday just to use the reading and stories they give us to go more in detail of the subject or topic I am presenting. I can show this through citing my words from things I read and posting them on my e portfolio. In my papers I use more scholarly words and have some small examples from things I have read. I will take pictures of the examples I have used and put them into the e portfolio. Assignments like readings and text breakdown will work for this skill.

13a. Demonstrates a thorough understanding of context, audience, and purpose(15%) This goal for me is one that I can use for the rest of my life. I will be able to read the room of the people around me and I will be able to read if people are really getting what I am saying. I will be able to show this by taking pictures and videos of me speaking where I come at different speaking techniques to reach all people. I will go back and reread things I have written or go back over the notes that I have taken over the discussion in class and break it down and take pictures to document my work in my e portfolio. The assignments that can be viewed for this skill are the writing assignments such as the writing for an audience.