Student Name: Evitt Nashed

Grade Contracted For         __ X_A            _____ B                      ____ C

What concepts are you going to learn, or skills are you going to develop?How will you learn the content/ develop the skill?What evidence will you add to the portfolio to demonstrate your learning?How will you and I assess the evidence of your learning/skills?
(30%) Oral communication 8A-C  Being able to present in a clear formal way without getting hesitant or nervous.Photos will be interpreted into the portfolio of me being visually active and presenting work to researchers, my partners, teachers, will visually see me achieving the goal of putting my thoughts out there and getting over my fear of presenting in front of people.
(20%) Problem solving: Implements solutions to address multiple contextual factors. 9CThis semester I will work hard on analyzing information I’ve received to develop a plan that can contribute to the gardens.My papers and research will consist of change making solutions for certain problems the garden can have and how we can help.My portfolio will show you the papers and research that will show my certain problem-solving methods I think would be useful for the gardens.
(20%) Ethical Reasoning: 3 A-B    Recognizing ethical issues in the garden and trying to resolve them.Work will be put into my portfolio with how we can better the way the garden can be seen by visitors  and how we can tell the garden’s story.You will actively see the work and effort I put into the research of trying to solve ethical issues that the gardens can improve on for visitors.  
(10%) Information Literacy: 5A Defines the scope of research questions effectively and selects information cogently to address them. Identifying questions and answering them in a clear formal way. My papers will show the question or problem I am trying to answer and implement information that is coherent with my problem. You will see the work and effort I put into my papers by answering questions with the useful information that is needed.
(20%) Collaboration: 12B Facilitates collaborators’ contributions by building upon their contributions. Working specifically with lab workers and researchers in the gardens and using their information  to meet our goals.Writing notes when I’m meeting with lab workers and using it for our research goals. You will see the hard work I put into my research with useful information from lab workers or researchers from the gardens.