Codes Reflection #1

January 29, 2024

Evitt Nashed

Dr. Smith

Jesuit Archives

       The Jesuit Archives and Research Center holds many archives from our past and to current time of the Catholic Church. This place located in St. Louis; Missouri serves as a place that can hold memories. This faculty presents their work in a neat, secure organization. These archives can tell you about the past of a province and the members within it. The people who work within the archives strive to give people the information that was once found by researchers that is important. Its mission is to preserve the Society of Jesus. The society of Jesus can reflect on these documents and use it to thrive in the future.

      These archives can serve a great site for researchers wanting to know more about the Jesuit past of certain provinces. Although, other people can certainly do research in these archives to know more about the history of Christianity. For example, our CODES class will be visiting the archives this week. Some of us might not be interested in it since it doesn’t deal with our majors, but others might think it’s a good way to practice research methods and skills.

    Of course, you can’t go to a research facility without knowing anything about it. You will have to do some basic research. Some important information you might need to know before visiting the Jesuit Archives would be to understand and be familiar with all the different Jesuit provinces. Another thing you should be familiar with is the basic history of Roman Catholics.

     These archives can serve as a great source for Catholics to learn more about their Jesuit past. I am in fact a Catholic and never knew this facility even existed. It seems pretty interesting since I graduated from a Catholic School.