So far this year, we’ve learned about developing complex ideas and arguments and forming them into projects that are easy to understand and view. We’ve learned skills for brainstorming, analysis, and public speaking (identifying audience and variables having to do with audience). I’ve really enjoyed our recent work on DP #2 and I’m excited to finish my video and make something I’m genuinely proud of. I’ve definitely struggled with getting used to reading the syllabus frequently and making sure I’m all up to date on work. It’s hard when there isn’t a teacher telling us the what we need to do for homework each day, but I’m slowly growing accustomed to it. I think I’ve excelled at my goals concerning in class discussion and writing. I think I have room for improvement when it comes to my goals with reading, annotation, and overall note-taking
End of Semester 1: Second semester had some more tough moments, especially when it came to keeping up with my work. I fell very behind on discussion posts and had to sit down for three hours one night and do them all after I realized how low my grade was. After that point, however, I really feel like I geared up and finished the semester strong. My groupmates and I delivered a solid presentation and wrote a strong paper based on our research and ever-changing thesis. I got on top of my work and got my grade back up and I feel very happy with how I ended this first half of the year.
Goal 1 (30%)
Actively working to hear others’ thoughts and add onto them instead of knocking them down as well as making sure no one is excluded from contributing

This is a discussion post response from me regarding the book we read this second quarter, Salvage the Bones.
Goal 2 (20%)
Writes with lucidity by using vocabulary and other literary tools to engage readers and fully convey points

Goal 3 (10%)
Reads texts to understand and analyze rather than just to complete

Me and classmates reading and analyzing a piece of English manuscript from the 1800s
Goal 4 (15%)
Uses understanding of personal cultural heritage and beliefs to become more open to other worldviews and experiences

My Conclusion slide for my Research Team’s presentation regarding working with the NCNW and creating a new mentorship program for students of color in Alton
Goal 5 (25%)
Utilizes learned skills to contribute to the community positively