Finding data and knowing where to put it in Excel at specific locations are two things I learned during this session. Additionally, I learned how to create complicated surveys using the SIUE qualtrics, which requires certification in order to be accepted by the board. I think that having the survey was a great way for us to start getting data on what people may think about a mentor and to see what they have done previously before maybe joining ours or to see if they think mentoring works. I have had a lot of ups and downs with the survey, but I eventually understood how the surveys work when trying to get people to answer questions and others to answer others based on their previous responses. This was a great method for me to learn how to handle problems that prevent me from finishing the task at hand. I believe it was a great learning experience because, in addition to teaching me how to conduct surveys, I now know what questions to ask and how to phrase them to get respondents to think more deeply than they might have otherwise.