Goal 4A (20%)
Adapts and applies a deep understanding of multiple worldviews, experiences, and power structures while initiating meaningful interaction with other cultures to address significant global problems
This assignment pushed me out of my comfort zone because it had me actually think about what principles I related too and which ones I am lacking. The thing I could have done differently is probably figure out what other principle is present in my life because it may have been more than one.
Goal 5B (20%)
Accesses information using effective, well designed search strategies and appropriate sources
This goal is being followed through by attending the IRIS center meetings on Fridays. But when I can’t attend on fridays it’s being accomplished by attending make up meetings set up and approved by Dr.Shea.
Goal 12C (20%)
Works independently toward goals by contributing and meeting deadlines
Unfortunately, I am still working on achieving this goal so no artifact can be shown. Although I do my assignments, I don’t meet the proper deadlines.
Goal 11C (20%)
Reads using an appropriate lens and can engage in a continuing dialogue within and beyond a discipline or a community of readers
The readings help push me out of my comfort zone in ways I couldn’t imagine. For example reflection 2 allowed me to talk about my culture and heritage. As proud as I am to have Mexican Roots, sometimes it isn’t easy talking about what my grandfather did so his family could have a better life. Besides my personal life, reflection 2 also allowed me to reflect on the fact that we didn’t really know the land we were mentoring on.
Goal unknown (20%)
Uses language to skillfully communicate with clarity and fluency
I also unfortunately feel as if I can’t put anything for this one yet seeing as the evidence I would have provided is the quality of reflections and only allow late work with well reason and if communicated with reason as to why it is late. Although quality is good and I do communicate reasons for late work. I feel as if this first half of the semester I was very behind on work.