For this assignment, I chose to talk about the article titled, “Why so many immigrant children tend to be more successful” by Peter Coy.
The central argument in the article is that children of immigrants in the U.S. tend to attain higher levels of economic success compared to other children born to native-born American parents. This defies common negative stereotypes about immigrants, showing that one common reason they often rise economically is because of things such as strong work ethics, relocation to areas with better job opportunities, and fewer barriers to upward mobility compared to their immigrant parents. The author includes data from historical and recent census records that track the economic progress of children of immigrants compared to U.S.-born children. He refers to studies done by economists, such as the National Academies of Sciences, that show the positive fiscal and economic contributions of second-generation immigrants. In this respect, the book Streets of Gold by the two authors presents deeper insights into it; with historical records and personal stories of immigrants, further adding to the evidence. The author seemingly writes to the general audience, more precisely, the readers who might develop either negative or skeptical attitudes toward immigration. The tone is rather informative, trying to challenge some misconceptions about immigrants and their economic influence.
The piece is likely intended for people interested in economics, politics, and social issues, given its appearance in the opinion section of the NY times. The article starts by addressing the common political claim about immigrants being a drain on society, then transitions into the research findings of the economists who studied the upward mobility of children of immigrants. It is logically structured: It first presents the problem-what immigration fears-then gives evidence of the success of second-generation immigrants, and finishes off with the long historical perspective that supports such ideas regarding immigrant success in America. Graphs comparing the income trajectories of the children of immigrants against that of children of U.S.-born parents are given to illustrate data.
The author uses words such as “upward mobility,” “success,” and “economic contributions.” These words frame a positive narrative in the aspect of immigrants being able to make it big in America. The use of “golden streets” in the book title and references to rising or climbing economic ladders reinforce the idea of opportunity and success in the U.S. for immigrant families. The imagery of climbing the economic ladder also symbolizes upward mobility and progress. These metaphors emphasize the positive narrative of immigrant success. The author refers to the authors of Streets of Gold, as primary sources for the research on immigrant success. By doing this, the article seems more credible.
The article also briefly references studies by the National Academies of Sciences to support claims about the fiscal contributions of second-generation immigrants. The author convinces through researched data that contradicts all the popular anti-immigrant arguments. He uses logic through the proof of the economic success of second-generation immigrants, appeals to the sense of fairness of the readers, and uses real-life examples with historical context to build emotional resonance. The author praises immigrants, especially their children, for their resilience and their economic rise in the U.S. He criticizes the negative and misleading portrayals of immigrants in some political discourse, like the claims of “open borders” and immigrants as economic burdens. The goal is to counter these harmful stereotypes with factual evidence of immigrant success.
Reflection #4
For this assignment, I’m choosing Instagram Reels as the platform and targeting a general audience aged 18-35. I believe that this group is highly active on social media, follows trends, and engages with content that aligns with what’s going on in today’s society. Many in this age range understand the issues of immigration.. This video will challenge those stereotypes and shed light on the valuable contributions immigrant youth make to American society. This audience is predominantly within the age bracket of 18-35 years, which means they are either in college, early in their careers, or at a social media-savvy adult stage where they constantly engage with content online. Most of them probably use Instagram to connect with friends, follow trends, and keep themselves caught up in social movements. They may be interested in self-improvement, social justice, and cultural diversity. Instagram Reels are a way for them to enjoy short-length, engaging content like funny skits, inspirational stories, and helpful videos. They are into 15 to 30-second videos that have visually strong or emotionally grabbing hooks instantly. They enjoy content that should provide value either in the form of humor, learning, or entertainment. My audience choice is probably aware, to some degree, that immigrants contribute to the workforce and the economy. They may have seen stories about immigrant success in the media, especially when it comes to entrepreneurs, athletes, or famous figures. They might also be familiar with some positive stereotypes about immigrant work ethic, such as the idea that immigrants are hardworking, family-oriented, and resilient. These perceptions may not be based on a deep understanding of the challenges involved in immigrant experiences. They probably know that immigrants have to face great challenges such as discrimination, language barriers, and economic hardship, but they may not know that these challenges often fuel a drive for success among immigrant children. What my choice of audience needs to know is that Immigrant children are usually more successful compared to their native-born peers. A strong sense of ambition and a great work ethic seem forced on them by their parents. Many families in immigrant communities prioritize education and economic success as a way to beat the odds. All their hard work and success are to complement their parents’ sacrifices to provide a better life for them. This pushes them to work even harder and achieve more. In overcoming challenges such as discrimination, learning new languages, and navigating multiple cultures, children of immigrants develop strength. Strong family and community networks will grant the immigrant children emotional and practical support. Since Instagram Reels is all about short-form impactful videos. A strong approach would be to tell short success stories of immigrant children who have thrived against the odds. These stories should focus on personal struggle, resilience, and ultimate achievement. My hashtags would be #ImmigrantSuccess, #ImmigrantPride, #WorkEthic, #Resilience, #AmericanDream, and #FirstGeneration. These hashtags will ensure that my content reaches my targeted audience.