Final Portfolio-122
I really did improve with this research team, and I feel like it’s a big step in my future. I enjoyed showing my skills because I can work with 100% confidence since this is my second semester. This research team is what I call my “bread and butter” work because I love the study of situations, people, anything dealing with notes, and articles. This class has been great on so many levels, and to be done makes me emotional, but I can’t wait to see how I can apply myself to solving complex questions and present them in the best way possible for the future. Reads using an appropriate lens…
Final Portfolio-123
This semester has been really impactful for me from the new things incorporated into the curriculum, to the research of the archives. This class has introduced me to ethnographic studies, which is the scientific description of the customs of individual peoples and cultures. I have found an interest in this because it makes note taking more interesting when your observing things that are actually happening in real time. I am very satisfied to have experienced everything this course has to offer and hope to keep Dr. Smith as a close professor, one that I feel comfortable with stopping by anytime. Reads using an appropriate lens and can engage in a…
Final Project
“This report was prepared by the City of St. Louis in partnership with Forward Through Ferguson and United Way of Greater St. Louis, with support from The Rockefeller Foundation and 100 Resilient Cities and guidance from the City University of New York’s Institute for State and Local Governance.” (Equity Indicators). In November 2014, Missouri Governor Jay Nixon assigned the Ferguson Commission to conduct a “thorough, wide-ranging, and unflinching study of the social and economic conditions that impede progress, equality, and safety in the St. Louis region.” (Nixon). This study was conducted after the death of Michael Brown, which was correlated with racial tension and ongoing racial history in the U.S.…
Cleaning Data Reflection
The difference between dealing with complicated data and cleaning complicated data. Let me begin by explaining the difference. Dealing with complicated data can be difficult. It may contain sensitive information, but is that information worth losing just because it’s bad? Steps can be taken to teach people about history, whether it’s about people, places, or things. Now that we get into the difficulties of spreading this information, a difficulty that may come up is backlash. Backlash is typical when dealing with sensitive information and can be handled in many ways, but one I would recommend is public relations. Speeches, press releases, and updates within the corporation. Another difficulty that can…