
Final Portfolio-123

This semester has been really impactful for me from the new things incorporated into the curriculum, to the research of the archives. This class has introduced me to ethnographic studies, which is the scientific description of the customs of individual peoples and cultures. I have found an interest in this because it makes note taking more interesting when your observing things that are actually happening in real time. I am very satisfied to have experienced everything this course has to offer and hope to keep Dr. Smith as a close professor, one that I feel comfortable with stopping by anytime.

Reads using an appropriate lens and can engage in a continuing dialogue within and beyond a discipline or a community of readers. 

I got the chance to sit down with Dr. Jack’s Graduate class during my ethnography for this class and it opened my eyes to the conversation of slave narrative. How complex it can be and how much it applies to today’s k-12 teaching. The conversations that sparked, the comparison to how it is thought to today children, the engaging material; it all contributed to a great learning experience for me. this a brief over view of what I observed while in the grad class but the conversation was really engaging so I was focused on the experence.

Works independently toward goals by contributing and meeting deadlines.

This goal has been great for me because it keeps me on task. One example of this is my final project, which I turned in two weeks early. It also keeps me at ease because I can just check on my e portfolio if I have the assignment there. 

Pursues knowledge and educational experience beyond the classroom.

This is a goal that came up with a survey we gave out to undergrad students about study tools. We presented questions to help us understand our assumptions on what we deemed effective for an undergrad student. I also got a chance to interview staff members of MOBOT and get there feedback.

Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of the complexity of elements important to members of another culture in relation to history, values, politics, communication styles, economy, or beliefs and practices. 

Our interviews at the Botanical Gardens really contributed to this goal because it brought multiple points of view and personal opinions. We got to ask them multiple questions about their history, did they personally know, and their opinion about improving it. 

Systematically analyzes assumptions to develop logical plans to solve problems. 

The danger of a Single Story reflection relates to this goal because it talks about how Adichie’s concept aligns with the intersectional approach, which recognizes that individuals hold multiple social identities that interact to shape their experiences. This reflection expands on how social identities intersect to influence outcomes in problem solving.

As I conclude this semester, this class has been a great milestone for me, especially with the concerns about my GPA. The Danger of a Single Story, The Final Project, and the interviews have shaped a great foundation for my future classes. I wanted to thank Dr. Smith for always keeping me on track for the grade that I worked towards, as well as hearing me out during rough times and keeping the things I’ve been through in mind for her coursework. This was a great experience. Thank you!