
Final Portfolio-122

I really did improve with this research team, and I feel like it’s a big step in my future. I enjoyed showing my skills because I can work with 100% confidence since this is my second semester. This research team is what I call my “bread and butter” work because I love the study of situations, people, anything dealing with notes, and articles. This class has been great on so many levels, and to be done makes me emotional, but I can’t wait to see how I can apply myself to solving complex questions and present them in the best way possible for the future.

Reads using an appropriate lens and can engage in a continuing dialogue within and beyond a discipline or a community of readers.

 When I got the chance to sit down with Dr. Jack’s Graduate class during my ethnography for this class   and it opened my eyes to the conversation of slave narrative. How complex it can be and how much it applies to today’s k-12 teaching. The conversations that sparked, the comparison to how it is thought to today children, the engaging material; it all contributed to a great learning experience for me.


Works independently toward goals by contributing and meeting deadlines. 

I’ve met the deadline for all of my source analysis and enjoyed read/listening to our prompts.

Pursues knowledge and educational experience beyond the classroom.

This is a great goal that ended up coming up during my ethnography as well and landed me into a grad class which I thoroughly enjoyed. It was a great introduction to further my learning in my academic journey. 

Demonstrates sophisticated understanding of the complexity of elements important to members of another culture in relation to history, values, politics, communication styles, economy, or beliefs and practices. 

Our conversations in class have brought upon great dialog that has help improve my ability to understand history, values, politics, communication styles, beliefs and practices. 

Systematically analyzes assumptions to develop logical plans to solve problems.

In my source analysis #3, I talked about activists and free black communities who wanted to challenge the institution of slavery and advocate for equal rights, so they started pushing for better education of the youth on slavery. This is a prime example of challenging assumptions and the system for things to improve.