Research Team Portfolio

Goal 1 (45 %)

Making sure others have room to speak and feel comfortable to share their ideas and opinions.

In order for teams to feel comfortable around each other they must first get to know one another. Our research team was able to go out for lunch and socialize, which I personally felt really helped us all open up, and become a better and more unified group when we went back to class.

Goal 2 (35 %)

Participating in many activities and clubs.

I’m glad I’m able to participate in 2 clubs that are able to provide me with valuable knowledge and experiences. Being in the Hispanic Student Union (left) has allowed me to be a part of a cultural community similar to my own. I’m also glad to be in Student Government (right) and serving as the Freshman Senator. Not only do I learn more about my university, but I’ve also worked with many people that have helped me grow as an individual.

Goal #3 (20%)

Having guest speakers come to class and hearing from their perspectives.

Although I am unable to provide a specific image of this day in class, the image above are the notes I took for the speaker we had in class. Deborah Pitts (who’s name I had misspelled) came to our research team during class and shared some information about herself and what she does. It was great hearing about her talk about the NAACP and seeing what they do and the opportunities they offer. Before class ended she also gave us a little homework assignment, which I thought was funny.

Reflection 2

Things that stress me out right now are figuring out my plans in the future, long term and short term. It’s been difficult knowing what to do in the future when I’ve been struggling to figure out what I want to do now. I’ve had people around me lend their thoughts and help me see things from a different perspective. It has helped, but I can’t help but stress over if the road I am on now is the one for me, or if later on I will shift gears, take a different path, and I’d basically start new again.

I think there’s this expectation that friends are meant to be perfect, when in reality the ‘realest’ friends aren’t. Good friends tell you the truth when you need to hear it, they are there for you when things are hard, and support you with all your efforts. You don’t need to talk to these people everyday to be close, rather when you get together the conversation and energy just feels right. Having good friends can be hard because it’s hard to let these people go, even when they might get on your nerves.

Digital Story Project