
Julez Hill

Dr. Shea

CODE 120

August 23, 2024

Learning Outcomes

            This past week in CODES we have been learning about 5 different outcomes and how they relate to us. These outcomes consist of various categories such as Critical & Creative Thinking, Oral Communication, Problem-solving skills, etc. I will be choosing 5 different outcomes that I want to better and focus on this next year in CODES. I know change can’t happen in a day but with a lot of effort and grit, we can make a difference.

            The first outcome I want to dive into is “Takes risks in assignments and in approaches to learning to create new knowledge.” Taking risks could mean an abundance of different things. It could be the cost of a lower grade or being comfortable to secure an average grade of something. Sometimes going above and beyond for an assignment could be risky but it could come with a lot of information gained. One assignment I could look at is the source Analysis 2 and 3. Another assignment Knowing me, I tend to try to set myself to a goal that I am comfortable with. I stay in the box and try not to go outside of it. The way I would know I changed this outcome, is by coming up with different solutions. These solutions could not have the same outcome, but that’s the risk I am taking to get an understanding of the problem at hand.

            The Second outcome that comes to mind is “Accesses information using effective, well-designed search strategies and appropriate sources.” Something I used to struggle with heavily was using the wrong information and not looking deeply into the information. I wouldn’t put that much effort into the research and settled for the bare minimum for the grade. Transitioning into college I know that will have to change. Going forward I want to handle information in a better way, taking time to process the information and do background checks on the information. One assignment I can explain this is by taking notes in class about certain information. Also working through citing the right sources when doing writing assignments, For example, Multimodal # 1. Not being able to use to right information would not only affect me but also the team I am providing this information for.

            Another outcome would be “Pursues knowledge and educational experience beyond the classroom.” Typically, while doing an assignment, I tend to only do the work inside of the class. It never really crossed my mind to do as detail worked when I wasn’t in the classroom. Going forward I want to use source analyses 3 and 4 to demonstrate the information I learned outside of class. Showing additional facts and information about the topic. With that being said, going forward I want to dwell on seeking knowledge. With this water problem in areas so close to home, it only makes sense to put in the effort behind closed doors. Even if it means I’m reading an article, I want better for not only myself but others in my community.

            For my final outcome, I chose” Demonstrates a thorough understanding of context, audience, and purpose.” I chose this outcome because, how can I understand my audience if I don’t have a purpose? Purpose is one of the biggest things to me because your purpose can connect to your audience. I will show this by doing my multimodal # 2 and doing reflections. I know that I can show information to future audiences to help out towards the future. Going deeper into CODES I want to be able to communicate understanding and show that I can see the reasoning behind things.

            For each outcome, I reflected and took time to have deeper thoughts. I know I can maintain an A because all of these outcomes are things I personally want to get better with. I know CODES can have a bigger impact on my life and others. A lot of things can’t be changed instantly, and I want to be a part of that change. We all play a part in doing research, but we cannot succeed if we all aren’t hitting our mark. I know I can bring something valuable through CODES and for things I don’t know I will seek knowledge to learn. Tomorrow isn’t promised but it can be affected by the decisions we make today.