My Journey

Read more about the “My Journey” page here.

Joining CODES this year opened my eyes to the opportunities that God allowed me to go through. I lost a lot this year and gained a lot not only as a student but as a young man coming into adulthood. Every challenge I faced and every obstacle that came my way made me a better student. Working on my communication with my teachers helped better my overall work ethic and desire to make a good impression in my classes. Not only have I improved but I will continue to have discipline when it comes to finishing my work for the upcoming semester. Something I loved this year that I did was reflections in Dr. Despain’s class. Every week it made me think deeply about different topics that not only I saw but also things I even went through. One assignment that was a reflection on my life was DP#1. It was a major reflection on my life in general and made me dwell back to my younger days.

To think that I didn’t want to go to college at one point, I’m glad people influenced me to take a risk on my dream. Majoring in graphic design wasn’t something I thought a kid like me could do. I was decent at drawing but never was better than those around me. I never was envious, but I challenged myself to be better. Even when it came to practicing my photography, I never thought my pictures or perspective was something others found to enjoy. Which was another thing that I am proud that I completed this year. I want to have a minor in photography to see where my pictures can take me and to share my images across the world.

Jumping to one of the most anxious moments I had this year was presenting with my CODES group. I never knew people were so invested in helping people with problems they had been facing for years. It warmed my heart to talk about the struggles the community faced and how groups like Heartlands and JJK FAN are trying to make an impact in our community. I know there’s more work that goes into the organization to make things run the way they do but I’m grateful to work and see what things I can contribute to my community.

One last thing that brought my year to a close was the friends I made this year in and out of CODES. I truly would have been lost without them and even if that sounds crazy to say it’s the truth. They have been there for me during my dark times this year and I am grateful for the laughs I share with them. I want to continue to be the best for not only myself but those around me. I want to continue to lift up others and bring smiles to people’s faces. I’m glad I was able to join CODES and ready to see where this journey takes me.