The Record

I was offered the privilege to perform a play I wrote based of a poem of mine at my high school of Moline. It was completely student lead and an amazing experience

Snippet of The Record live

By: Lyric Howard

L: Narrator a bit older and you can tell has been through a couple of things

M: A young tween who is adventurous and witty but is about to go through a big life event

S: Young tween. a bit awkward but childhood friend of s starts to deal with emotions in a negative way.

Shadows: played by three people and the self-conscious of M 

Spotlight on L as music slowly starts to increase in volume. L has a mark on their face 

L: The record continues to play. This track feens upon their ears. It just continues playing on and on and on and on! I don’t think they can remember silence not ever since that day.

 (Black out and music dims)

Setting: room with a record player and a couch

Off stage

M: You’re such a dork

S: well if I’m a dork than that makes you the dork Queen

M:  well at least i’m still royalty

S: That was the dumbest comeback of all time

L: Friendship is such a big part of development. It shows and teaches you so many valuable life lessons, but it can also bring complicated feelings and emotions.

M and S are standing together on stage, and they are enjoying each other’s present they dance and play fight until m somehow ends up on the floor

M: I Hate the fact you can do that

S: Just get better and then maybe you could finally win

M: yeah, whatever

S: you know if you just worked out you wouldn’t be so easily defeated by this smoke show (S flexes their muscles)

M: bahahaha if you think that’s a smoke show you should see the j2 bathrooms

L: Children are so innocent. I always wonder about the event in everyone’s lives that makes them lose that childhood joy. Was it the loss of their favorite toy or figuring out the jolly fat man wasn’t actually real. Well, some events are an even darker cape to dim the light of a child (L snaps their fingers)

(The music increases)

M: Om gosh it’s our song

S: ha-ha yeah that reminds me. We’ve known each other for a while.

Shadows: The record

M: yeah, we’re the best of buds (M starts to dance). I think our friend anniversary is coming up.

S: I can’t believe you’re still on about that

M: How could I ever forget the day in Pre-k when we officially became friends

S: Oh, here it goes again

M: You a puny little kid that could barely walk without a gust of wind blowing them over

S: I wasn’t that small. Don’t be overdramatic.

M: shh shhh my favorite part is coming up

S: Whatever (S playfully pushes M)

Shadows: The memories

M: Then I come to your rescue when big bully Zoey really wanted your juice box

S: That was very brave of you. She was a very scary 4-year-old.

M: Oh, I know! I risked my life. Then you came to me in tears begging for my friendship

S: Okay, I didn’t beg

M: No but you did give me your pudding cups for the rest of the school year so close enough and the rest is history.

S: talking about that. I was wondering. how come we’ve never been more (Music increases more)

Shadows: Happiness is melting away

M: * snickers* don’t tell me you’re pulling one of those gimmicks on me

S: No, I’m serious. I think we can make it work. I’ve thought about it for a while.

M: No, I’m sorry but no

Shadows: (still in hiding spots) Why not?

(M looking around for where the voices and S is death staring them)

S: how will you know if we never try

M: I just know okay. it’s just not us.

Shadows: (Starting to peak out) Maybe it can be

S: is it just not us or is it just not you

M: it’s just not us

S: well maybe it is but you’re too selfish to try

M: what are you talking about

S: It’s always about you and never about me or us so maybe were going to try things my way *S grabs M arms

(Shadows start to become even more present)

M: Why are you doing this? I’m Scared

(Shadows begin to appear around S and M)

S + Shadows: Don’t be we Love you 

L: the voices in your head were never as present until the spark of child innocence left. Do you remember when the shadows appeared (Shadow peaks behind L) 

(M steps out and the light is directly on them)

M: I used to think life would always be giggles and laughs with my best friend. It seems that things cannot always be as gleeful as I would hope. It seems as if some darkness has come over our friendship. As if the shadows are now blocking their light that used to be love and turned it into darkness. (Music increase) 

(Shadows start to surround them and moves M back)

M: you’re hurting me I’m scared

Shadows: How can they scare you? You love them!

S: I thought you loved me

M: I do just not like this

S: (S steps out and shadows are grabbing M) I have always loved them in a bigger way than I could understand until now. I love them and they love me. That’s clear. I need this to work. I need to be with them. It’s an itch that I need to be scratched, and it will be.

S+ Shadows: No matter what.

Shadows: Why would they ever hurt you. they love you so much.

M: I don’t know. I can’t.

S: I thought you loved me

M: I do love you

S: Then why won’t you be with me 

M: I don’t know. I’m scared.

Shadows: you’ll always be scared *three

Shadows being to encapsulate M but M breaks free.

M: I can only feel the touch of their hand against my skin. A touch that used to be so delicate and calming is now hot and disgusting.

Shadows: Disgusting hands *Repeating*

M: I wish I could wash this feeling off, but I know that it will never leave me

Shadows: Wash off *Repeating*

L: The feeling of love can be described in many positive forms. Such as delicate, warm, cozy, fuzzy, and calming but what about suffocating. When the love that used to be so delicate now pounces on your lungs. When your cozy room of kisses and hugs now strangles you with the same arms that felt so comforting. The same lips that felt so loving is now a vicious bite.

S:  I love them so much. There is something inside me that is finally compelling me to confess this to them. They must know. They need to know, and they will accept it, or I cannot continue to live in this lie that I do not love them more than they could ever understand.

Shadows: I love you *Repeating*

M: The memory will replay in my head such as a record. The voice that was so nice and calming to hear is now replaying as a screeching screen in my ear. I cannot withstand this I am not strong enough to.

Shadows: Record *repeating*

S: You must love me like I love you were meant to be. Why can’t you see that?

M: This isn’t right. You were my friend. The person I could come to all the time and now you have become some monster. I can’t do this.

S: I just want to love you. Please

Shadows: I just want to love you. *Repeating*

M cannot run anymore and the shadows and s start to surround Them

The lights black out m has a mark on their face but is hidden from the audience and s leaves.

The lights turn on L tries to comfort m but sees the mark on M and the shadows surround them.

L: No this can’t be no no no

She goes into a ball she realizes she must let go. She takes a deep breath. The shadows start to leave. the loud music stops, and m walks off as L gets up from a ball and finally hears nothing, she realizes she’s free and it black outs