Class Portfolio


In CODES 120 I learned to understand reading on a deeper level, have a more divergent mindset, and improvement in writing. I really enjoyed getting to know the companies we get the privilege to work with. I would like to improve more in my flow in writing.

Goal 1 (20%)

Based on 12C working privately towards group goals and working with others

In the video it shows me working with Ava and Venus from my cohort and creating a video for class while also having fun. I learned to listen more from others’ opinions during this project and it caused the project to improve.

in the group photo it shows me with my group in my engineering class. We created a project of a tennis ball launcher and we ended up with the highest score of all the teams. The reviewed me as an essential part of the team and a great help.

In the text it shows me asking for my team’s opinion while going out to buy supplies for our project.

Goal 2 (20%)

Recognizing ethical issues and cross relationships among them  

I connected the issues of social media influences and overconsumption in my source analysis.

I connected the effects of overconsumption and biodiversity

Goal 3 (20%)

Based on 7b: Increasing knowledge beyond the classroom  

In my source analysis I was really interested in how many POC were affected by the water crisis in Michigan and went out of my way to do more research on the topic.

I was interested in the affects that black women and the treatment of America had on their mentality. I decide to analyze a book where she expressed her power in sexuality even though it’s looked down upon.

Goal 4 (20%)

Divergent mindset towards problem solving  

Goal 5 (20%)

Using appropriate language with the ability to clarify and fluently communicate my work written  

“I am stronger now than I ever thought I would be, but I’m not as strong as I wanted to be. It is a battle; I had to fight with myself for a while but then I looked back at the piece that started it all. “You may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefulness, but still, I’ll rise. Does my sexiness upset you? Does it come as a surprise that I dance as if I have diamonds at the meeting of my thighs” (Angelo)? I have still raised when I was shot down with hatefulness. I have still raised when people gave me glares and put shame on my name. I still dance like there are diamonds in between my thighs. I might not be the Black women that I always wished to be, but maybe I’m becoming the black women that I need to be. ” In My digital project one I believe I expressed my experience of being a black woman well throughout my piece especially throughout the words of poetry something I connect deeply with.

“In the end all the components of a wicked problem apply to the issue of the floodings of Moline. The vague problem definition is the many ways flooding affects can differ city to city. The undefined solution are the many ways that flooding can be solved but all come with cons. Not being able to completely end the flooding of the Mississippi River causing there to be no endpoint. Multiple of the solutions are irreversible to the ecosystem and city such as building floodwalls. The unique location of my town; and the urgency to find a solution that will work are all are reasons why the flooding of the Quad Cities is an important problem that needs attention. Maybe than other kids will be able to go to their special ballpark games.” I believe I expressed the issues of wicked problems among my town with correct language to understand the deviation it caused me and others.