
Grade Contracted For  _x__ A           ____ B            ____ C

What concepts are you going to learn, or skills are you going to develop?How will you learn the content/ develop the skill?What evidence will you add to the portfolio to demonstrate your learning?How will you and I assess the evidence of your learning/skills?
(30%) Based on 7b: Going out of my way to increase my knowledge in and out of the classroom purely on my own interestExploring different resources Increasing interest in topics in classrooms Researching in free timeResearch outside of class
Video essays outside of class
Increasing interest among topics in class
My knowledge will increase in papers I will have more enjoyment in learningMy video essays will show my passion of topics
(20%) Based on 8a: Improving my organization of presenting to become more understandable and cohesive  Planning presentations beforehand like in the photo essay  Practicing speeches like DP 2 Research more effective speaking techniquesSpeeches
My speeches will have a clear message My topics will connect cohesively and not go off topic My speeches will appear powerful with intent
(15%) Based on 13b: Increasing my writing ability by showing my understanding of the text with compelling writing  Annotating readings Increased variety in vocabulary Analyzing research to improve understanding in “How Maps Can Help Fight Racism and Inequality” Research papers
Essays Blog post
My papers will appear more powerfulPapers show clear intent Writing is more enjoyable to read
(15%) Based 11a: Improving my ability to evaluate text and apply them to issuesAnnotating and analyzing readings during Class readings like in “Writing for Audience”  Exploring topics in multiple readings Reading in free time to gain strategiesReading more outside of class Annotating Research NotesImproved insight in writing   Improved divergent thinking   Increased participation in class discussions
(20%) Based on 12c: Improving my ability to work with others by focusing on my work and not others  Working on patience during the Photo slidesWork at my own speedPhoto essayPeer evaluations Group projectsAbility to focus on my own work   Allowing others to work at their pace No conflicts with others during projects