About Me

Hello, my name is Marques. I’m from St.Louis, Missouri, and I can’t wait to start my college journey at SIUE as a Music Education major. As a music major, I’ve been involved in music my whole life. At SIUE, I plan to be in many ensembles and meet other people passionate about music.


Hawaii was my first vacation, and it was my first time riding a plane. This trip was amazing, but what made it even more special was that it was a school trip, so I got to go with all my friends. The main highlights of this trip were the beach, the amazing pineapple, and the breathtaking views.

I’m a band kid OBVIOUSLYYYY. I started playing an instrument in 6th grade and I’ve kept going all throughout my life. I started on flute then switched to clarinet and learned saxophone in 7th grade. Being in a band has helped me make many new friends and amazing memories.