Reflection 1

Marques Rutlin

24 August 2024


Codes Reflections #1

As a Freshman in codes, I am very excited about the program and can’t wait to make a difference in our world. As a scholar, I love to challenge myself inside and outside the classroom. In this learning contract, I will show why I deserve an A.

The first goal I would like to achieve is 8a” uses clear organizational patterns and is skillful at presenting content cohesively”. Using this learning outcome my goal is to cleanly present information and make sure my material is easy to understand. What’s significant about how I’ve rewritten this goal is applying it to tools or more use. Using this goal I’ll be able to strive to represent my information physically and in an organized way using real examples.

The second learning outcome I would like to achieve is 9a,” identifies and evaluates multiple approaches for solving problems.” I’ve changed this learning outcome to “using information around you to address problems.” What is significant about the way I’ve rewrote this is that I can achieve the solution to the problem by using information around me, which can include teachers and other students.

The third learning outcome I would like to achieve is 11c “Reading using an appropriate lens and can engage in a continuing dialogue with and beyond a discipline or a community of readers “. I’ve changed this outcome into a goal that is to be able to apply what I’ve read to discussion and demonstration of information. What is significant about the way I rewrote this goal the is more simplified and can be applied in multiple situation.

The fourth learning outcome I would like to achieve is 13a” Demonstrates a thorough understanding of context, audience, and purpose”.I’ve decided not to change this because it clearly states how I would like to achieve this grade. To elaborate displaying my knowledge of context knowledge, audience, and purpose is something I can show my proficiency in.

The Fifth learning outcome I would like to achieve is 13c” Uses language to skillfully communicate with clarity and fluency”. I’ve changed this outcome into my goal, the ability to articulate with others in a manner that is easily understood. What is significant about the way I rewrote this goal is that it can be easily referenced when I’m achieving this goal.

In conclusion, I plan to strive for greatness throughout my time in the Codes program and to truly improve as a writer. I’m very thankful for this opportunity to be in this program and to work with many intelligent students and teachers. This is how I will determine what grade I get in this class, using my goals as criteria I must meet.