Class Portfolio

Template for a Class Portfolio


In this section of the portfolio, speak in broad strokes about the skills and content you’ve learned during the first half of the semester. What did you most enjoy? What did you struggle with? What goals do you think you’ve most excelled at meeting and what do you want to continue developing during the second half of the semester?

Goal 1 (20%)

I will present my information in a clean and organized manner

One artifact that demonstrated my goal was one of my graphics for my DP2, I felt this graphic is a great representation of information and is presented in a fun and understandable way. Next time I would. add more color and maybe more graphics to make It more fun for the audience. Another artifact that I demonstrated I met this goal was a slide from my photo essay, I felt like this slide was well written but lacked the visuals with one picture. I felt like I covered the main point of the slide being that SIUE is a welcoming place.

Goal 2 (20%)

Uses compelling appropriate delivery techniques

This DP challenged my editing skills and has also developed my overall speaking skills. This assignment made me think about how the video should be structured and how to keep my audiences attention. In this video I start with what I read then I give the reader background information needed to understand the article. Since my target audience was highschoolers I thought it would be appropriate to use bitmojis to keep the readers attention.

Goal 3 (20%)

Able to apply what I read to discussion and demonstration of information

I believe this reflection helped me achieve my goal by improving my analyzing skills, although personally this felt like a challenging article to understand. Next time I would print this article and actually underline and hilight important information.

Goal 4 (20%)

Demonstrates a thorough understanding of context and audience,and purpose

I believe this reflection showed my understanding of audience,although I could of formatted it better I belive this to be well written and answers the question in a way that will appeal to my audience. This assignment helped me think about perspective, allowing myself to picture myself from an audience view point.

Goal 5 (20%)

The ability to articulate with other in a manner that is easily understood

During this photo essay I took the lead in planning how it would be done. More specifically I took the initiative on how the work would be divided. This assignment helped me develop my leadership skills and patience. Being college students we are all really busy and its hard to find the time to work on something together, but we made the time do so.