MultiModal Composition

Marques Rutlin 


Research Team 1

2 September 2024

Water Quality in St.Louis

Water quality is one of the most essential parts of any community, and we need water to survive. While St. Louis may not have the worst water quality, scientists have found microplastics. Microplastics are small plastic pieces less than five millimeters in size, such as trash, dust, and cleaning products. Of the 31 drinking-water samples collected, 87% had so-called normal levels of microplastics. That means the levels were within the range in most of the country. The first characteristic of a wicked problem is a vague problem definition. 

Although there isn’t one solution that will cure microplastics, here are some ways to help prevent the spread of microplastics. For example, you can buy organic clothes. Synthetic clothing, such as polyester, is a massive contributor to microplastics. Choose eco-friendly, sustainable clothing from organic materials, such as cotton, silk, wool, hemp, and other natural fibers. All types of material will produce some microfibers, but the microfibers from natural materials, like cotton, tend to stay more significant than those from synthetic materials. That’s because cotton fibers frequently become tangled, creating more substantial pieces of lint that are not readily released into the air. Plastic and microwaves don’t mix. Plastic containers leach plastics when they’re heated. This holds even when plastic containers are labeled “microwave safe.” Being microwave-safe means the container won’t melt in the microwave, not that it won’t transfer chemicals to your food. The second characteristic of a wicked problem is an undefined solution, meaning there isn’t a definite solution to each problem.

The third characteristic of a wicked problem is that there is no endpoint, meaning that solution implementation may cause new problems. While all these solutions can be easily implemented, one person can’t stop the spread of microplastics. Large amounts of microplastics can’t be removed in one day; it takes effort from everybody in a community to do their part to dent this problem. s a collaborative initiative of Missouri Confluence Waterkeeper, Blue2Blue Conservation, and other community partners to install and maintain floating “trash traps” in local creeks and streams. Trash traps, or in-stream litter collection devices, comprise a floating boom that attaches easily to embankments, stormwater outfalls, canals, or creeks. These traps gather floating debris before reaching the main waterway, creating a more significant pollution problem. Wicked problems don’t always have one solution; this characteristic is unique. While trash traps have put a bandaid on the microplastic problem, we have to keep doing our part in our environment to get help with the spread of microplastics. 

One wicked characteristic is that solutions are irreversible and can’t be done. Experts believe that raising water prices would help reduce the waste of others. I  think executing this plan would cause more harm than good. Not only is making water an even harder source for people who can’t afford it, but it might cause water to become even more in high demand. The 6th characteristic of a wicked problem is urgent; these problems are urgent because failure to act can cause permanent harm to humans and animals. In today society we have so many amazing tools at the access of fingertips to help environment, saving the world starts with the people around. One of the most influential tool in the world that being social media, i platform almost everybody has. I believe with the use of social we can help spread the word of the risk of micro plastics and how to better or water quality overall. While people in our society can be hesitant to change I believe some people just dont know the right way. In conclusion the world is what we make it, how will you better your society?