Class Portfolio

Template for a Class Portfolio


In this section of the portfolio, speak in broad strokes about the skills and content you’ve learned during the first half of the semester. What did you most enjoy? What did you struggle with? What goals do you think you’ve most excelled at meeting and what do you want to continue developing during the second half of the semester?

Goal 1 (20%)

I will present my information in a clean organized manner

In preparation for the discussion, I organized this doc by outlining any text that stood out to me and questions that can allow my audience to think of the hidden meaning behind the article. For example one of the questions I asked was “How does the first person point of view experience relate to reading” This question could be answered in different ways. I felt like this was an excellent question that got the group thinking, but it could have been worded better

Goal 2 (20%)

uses compelling appropriate delivery techniques

This multimedia composition challenged my writing skills, I felt like I had a good introduction that introduced my topic and my problem.

Goal 3 (20%)

able to apply what I’ve read to discuss and demonstrate information

[add an artifact or two here and a few sentences about how the artifact demonstrates your learning; you should talk about process. How did this assignment help you develop a new skill, push you to try something new? What might you do differently next time? Note that when you have a heavily weighted goal, you should include more than one artifact]

Goal 4 (20%)

demonstrates a thorough understanding of context audience and purpose

This mirrorboard reflects my knowledge of water infrastructure. It focuses on all factors that may influence water infrastructure. This assignment helped me think of problems from all points of view.

Goal 5 (20%)

The ability to articulate with others in a manner that is easily understood