My name is Nadia I am currently a freshman at SIU-Edwardsville. I am from Chicago, Illinois. My plans for my time at SIUE are to further my education in my courses to achieve my goal of being a nurse. My expected graduation year is 2028. My career goals are to be a geriatric nurse, I want o be an geriatric nurse because 1.) during my CNA course during my senior year of high school, I just loved being in the environment with the older people, 2.) the older community need care takers who actually care about their well being. I spend most of my time either sleeping or or coloring, but my hobbies include working out and occasionally doing hair. I have slight anxiety, so to cope with my anxiety I tend to clean what ever I can, re-arrange things, color, or sleep; but cleaning and rearranging things are mainly my coping mechanisms for my anxiety. Obstacles that I have overcome are being away from my parents, being away from them is an obstacle because I am so used to being with them almost everyday and every minute outside of school, work, practices, and meetings.