Contract 120

Student Name  _ ______Nikyra Wheaton_____________ 

Grade Contracted For  __x__ A ____ B ____ C  

What concepts are you going to learn, or skills are you going to develop? How will you learn the content/ develop the skill? What evidence will you add to the portfolio to demonstrate your learning? How will you and I assess the evidence of your learning/skills? 
(20%) Based on (Civic Engagement): [Uses knowledge from outside and what I’ve learned to inform and participate with others.]  Identify the skill and understand the issue to be able to participate in conversations about the topic. Notes taken from outside of class and inside  I will participate in conversations providing information that shows that I’m on task. 
(20%) Based on (Information Literacy): [Summarize the question and information to help understanding.]  Break down the question for better understanding and use  Source Analysis/ Multi-modal Composition  that shows my understanding of the question and restated for the understanding of others I will summarize the question and information to persuade my point.   
(20%) Based on (Written Communication): [I will use word choices that shows my understanding.]  Understand the topic and analyze it to summarize what I must to show clarity.  Word choice in my analysis/ multi-modal composition  about what I analyzed My writing will be fluent where others can understand what I’m talking about and show my understanding. 
(20%) Based on (Collaboration): [collabs and brings ideas and thoughts to the room.]  Stay engaged and focused to be able to collab and work with others. Notes from a discussion I will engage with my peers and bring ideas to the table. 
(20%) Based on (Quantitative Literacy): [I will use quantitative information to give reasoning to my topic or argument.]  Research information that gives quantitative information. Multi-Modal Composition 1  Percentages, graphs, numbers, or charts