
Student Name: Priscilla Kincanon

Grade Contracted For:  __X__ A    ____ B   ____ C

Outcome 11A: Reading (20%)

Sometimes I struggle with this outcome because I do not fully understand the text that I read and just move on. I want to work on examining the scholarly value of texts in order to apply what is read to different situations or problems. I will show this by taking effective notes on the articles I read and making effective annotations that help me dig deeper into whatever issue I might be doing research on. My examples will include making connections while annotating and researching other issues or problems that are similar or connected.

Outcome 5B: Information Literacy (10%)

I feel like I am pretty good at this outcome, but would like to improve. I want to work on using relevant sources and efficient, well-designed search techniques to access information. In order to do this I will make sure my research is accurate by checking the date, author, and source. Reliable sources have the best information so I will only use those. I will use new strategies like digging deeper while researching and finding good sources. As evidence, I will demonstrate that my sources are reliable in my writing by making sure they connect and support my thoughts, for example, MC #1 and MC #2.

Outcome 8C: Oral Communication (20%)

I need to improve my oral communication. I would like to work on creating primary themes that are compelling and original and substantial supporting materials. In order to show this skill I will write down my clear message with supporting details and then research further and find strategies that help with organization. As evidence, you can see this in any in-class presentations or class discussions. 

Outcome 4A: Global Learning (10%)

I feel like I am okay with this outcome, but I would like to improve. I hope to work on engaging in meaningful connections with people from different cultures to address pressing global issues while adapting and using a thorough awareness of various worldviews, experiences, and power systems. This skill will be shown through Learning more about issues that people go through that I don’t, Understanding other’s cultures, and listening to others’ stories. Some examples of work you may see this skill in are class discussions and source analysis.

Outcome 13A: Written Communication (40%)

Lastly, I want to work on revealing an in-depth knowledge of context, audience, and goal. I need to work on this outcome because I usually do not dig deep when reading text. In order to do this I must Find my intended audience, My writing has a clear point Use context to make writing have a purpose. As evidence, this will be demonstrated through my MC #2 and our source analysis.