Class portfolio 123

Priscilla’s Class Portfolio


Dr. Smith has taught us a lot of new information in research and systems thinking including Archival Methods, Surveys, Interviews, and Dealing with data. Our class has been working on designing an ethical research plan and collecting quantitative and qualitative data across disciplines to solve a problem. We have readings and discussions about our book, Green & Lageson, Give Methods a Chance, W.W. Norton.

Learning Outcomes

Outcome 3c (20%)

Applies ethical concepts to a question and considers their full implications.

In week 8, we learned about dealing with data. When interviewing someone, there is a lot we can learn from their response that reflects on the person interviewing. For example, after the interview, you may ask yourself “How might I have re-worded that question to get a more meaningful response? This is a great question because it can help to find a more thoughtful solution/new idea to a question.

Outcome 5B: Information Literacy (10%)

Accesses information using effective, well-designed search strategies and appropriate sources.

After the first semester, I said I wanted to work on using relevant sources and efficient, well-designed search techniques to access information. This was a great goal to work towards as we were picking our sources in class. To do this I made sure my research was accurate by checking the date, author, and source. For example, in the 1st reflection for the class, I looked into the St. Louis Mercantile Library. I used quotes in my paper and cited them in the text.

Outcome 8C: Oral Communication (20%)

Develops clear, innovative central messages with significant supporting materials.

This is a goal that I always strive for in all of my classes. I needed to improve my oral communication. Since being in this class I have felt more confident to talk at the MOBOT visits. Although I am typically quiet in class, I have found myself asking questions while in smaller groups at MOTBOT. This is because I feel more confident in the questions I ask. I now know the purpose and intent of what I say.

Outcome 4A: Global Learning (10%)

Adapts and applies a deep understanding of multiple worldviews, experiences, and power structures while initiating meaningful interaction with other cultures to address significant global problems.

Definition: meaningful connections with people from different cultures to address pressing global issues while adapting and using a thorough awareness of various worldviews, experiences, and power systems.

In class, we read the article: Central Park Five: The True Story Behind When They See Us. A quick summary of the story is five Black and Hispanic boys were found guilty of the beating and rape of a white woman in New York-a crime they did not commit. This is a difficult story to read, as this is still a problem for Black Americans today, and made me ask the questions, “How do these men go back to a “regular life” after experiencing that?” and “How many other Black Americans are currently serving time for a crime they did not commit?”

Outcome 13A: Written Communication (40%)

Demonstrates a thorough understanding of context, audience, and purpose.

I wanted to work on revealing an in-depth knowledge of context, audience, and goal this semester. While creating interviews for MOBOT, I had to think about what answers I wanted to receive while also making sure they were clear. Most importantly deciding the audience is important when doing an interview that I did not think about. This class has shown me when conducting a good interview you must find your intended audience and my writing has a clear point so it has purpose.