
Student Name: Priscilla Kincanon

Grade Contracted For:  __X__ A    ____ B   ____ C

Outcome 3c (20%)

Applies ethical concepts to a question and considers their full implications.

After hearing my feedback from Dr. Hildebrant in semester 1, I would like to work on this goal. On my source and analysis, I believe I can dig deeper and give a more thought-out response to the essay prompt. I often have a vague chunk of information that I can elaborate on, but I often forget to do that in my writing. I hope to show the most evidence of this goal whenever we are asked a question and I can respond thoughtfully, specifically In SA’s. You can see proof of this goal in my source analysis this semester, especially number three.

“This relates to my group’s topic and issues the most. The article refers to the minority ethnic backgrounds as “hidden figures” as their contributions of specimens to the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh have gone unrecunized. For the past 350 years, white European explorers have received praise for building the archives, but it’s time for a change. In the last two years, progress has been made to acknowledge the achievements of people who were not white Europeans, and to make the gardens a more welcoming place for visitors and employees.”

I was able to relate this article to the work that is being done in my research team with MOBOT.

Outcome 5B: Information Literacy (10%)

Accesses information using effective, well-designed search strategies and appropriate sources.

After semester 1, I would like to continue to work on this goal. Dr. Hildebrandt recommended I need to work on information literacy and I believe I could improve as well. I want to work on using relevant sources and efficient, well-designed search techniques to access information. To do this I will make sure my research is accurate by checking the date, author, and source. Reliable sources have the best information so I will only use those. I will use new strategies like digging deeper while researching and finding good sources. As evidence, I will demonstrate that my sources are reliable in my writing by making sure they connect and support my thoughts.

You can see this goal as all of my sources were at the end of all SA’s this semester.

Outcome 8C: (20%)

Develops clear, innovative central messages with significant supporting materials.

I would like to work on creating primary themes that are compelling and original and substantial supporting materials. To show this skill I will write down my clear message with supporting details and then research further and find strategies that help with organization. As evidence, you can see this in class discussions especially when it comes to my time to lead the source analysis.

This can be seen in my final video. My part was to talk about our thesis and dive into a introduction of our research.

“While conducting research inside of our CODES research teams we learned that enslaved people’s contributions to botany often go unnoticed or acknowledged due to the overbearing power of colonialism. These enslaved people have essentially been stripped of not just proper credit but their humanity. Our goal is to tell their stories keeping reparative justice a priority throughout the process.”

I believe I did a good job of making it clear what my teams central message was.

Outcome 4A: Global Learning (10%)

Adapts and applies a deep understanding of multiple worldviews, experiences, and power structures while initiating meaningful interaction with other cultures to address significant global problems.

I feel like I am okay with this outcome, but I would like to improve. I hope to work on engaging in meaningful connections with people from different cultures to address pressing global issues while adapting and using a thorough awareness of various worldviews, experiences, and power systems. This skill will be shown through Learning more about issues that people go through that I don’t, Understanding other’s cultures, and listening to others’ stories. Some examples of work you may see this skill in are class discussions.

As a note-taker during the focus groups at MOBOT, I learned a lot about working in a less diverse environment can be discouraging. It was interesting to see the different views on this topic. I recorded in my notes:

“Lack of diversity on garden grounds but they have connections in other countries, and they assist POC in those places and they also learn their cultures and customs in that process.”

I liked the focus groups because we got to speak with multiple employees who have different races and positions.

Outcome 13A: Written Communication (40%)

Demonstrates a thorough understanding of context, audience, and purpose.

Lastly, I want to work on revealing an in-depth knowledge of context, audience, and goal. I need to work on this outcome because I usually do not dig deep when reading text. To do this I must Find my intended audience, My writing has a clear point Use context to make writing have a purpose.

Throughout this semester I learned a lot about catering to an audience through surveys. When thinking about the questions you were going to ask there were multiple factors to take account including position in the garden, race/ethnicity, and how the question comes across.

My research team worked together to ask MOBOT our best questions in the focus groups. Two examples are:

How do you think African American knowledge contributes to the garden/herbarium? 

What obstacles or difficulties do you see in integrating African American knowledge into the garden’s initiatives? 

Thanks to these questions we were able to get more information and as a note-taker, I learned more about MOBOT.