DP #1

Priscilla Kincanon


CODE 121

15 August 2023

What I have Learned from a Four Year Old

I raised a child during my senior year of high school. No, I am not a mom. When I was a little girl I carried my baby dolls everywhere I went, especially walking around my house. I would feed them, change their diapers, and rock them to sleep. As I grew up, I quickly realized I wanted to work with children when I got older. I started babysitting and working for daycares at fourteen. It was great, but as I was coming to my senior year of high school, I knew I needed to save money. Lots of it. There was a job post to be a full-time nanny for a four-year-old with “behavioral issues.” I thought nothing of it and applied. I started the following week. I was really excited because I love working with children and I have plenty of experience babysitting. Little did I know the impact this decision would have on my life. 

I took the child I nanny to my high school

so I could turn in my laptop. May 2023

If being a nanny has taught me anything, it’s to be committed. Knowing that the parents trusted and relied on me meant a lot. The parents were in a quick search for childcare so they could continue to work as their child was recently kicked out of two preschools. Every morning I would show up at 8 am; I was never late. I knew I had a whole family depending on me. If I had an altercation pop up, the child I watched was coming with me! I had to renew my driver’s license, but the DMV was only open when I was working, so he rode along on that adventure with me. I can’t forget that I am still in high school though! While juggling my online classes, the year came to an end and I needed to turn in my laptop. We had to make a visit to my school! Being committed meant still doing what I needed to do, while also making sure this family was not stressed about finding child care. 

There were many struggles I faced while being a nanny. I am the type of person who gets embarrassed by everything, so when my child would have full-on meltdowns in public, I just wanted to cry and walk away. Of course, I did not actually do that. I needed a solution, not only would this help him, it would help me. I noticed a trend that would lead to bad behavior: his iPad. So, instead of technology, we did various activities around the city like visit public libraries, parks, hiking areas, indoor playgrounds, arcades, shopping, and even nail salon trips. Not only did this make me fall in love with the city of Columbia, MO, but it also made me realize life has so much to offer outside of the digital 

                         It was a surprise to see a pet pig while at a 

  park with the child I nanny. All the children started going up to it and petting the animal. April 2023

world. My city has so many great free activities for children, we had a plan every day. I am so thankful I was able to see a different view of the place I lived in for eighteen years. 

Something I learned about myself while being a nanny is how much I love being outside with nature. While trying to get my child off of technology, we both discovered how much we 

The child I nanny fishing using a fishing 

pool a complete stranger gave to us.

love fishing, hiking, and riding bikes outside. We would be outside nearly every day, I was amazed by how many people would come up to us and start a conversation. Everyone was so friendly. They let us play with their dogs, showed us the best places to hike, and leting us fish with them! There is something so loving about a stranger sharing their kindness with you. We made lots of new friends, including fish. 

Juggling school and work while also being a nanny was difficult. However, I would make it work. Their family had a pet cat who I loved to play with and do my schoolwork next to. I am very much a cat person. On the days we went to indoor playgrounds or the library I would be sure to bring my laptop and get some work done. I had to never forget I was watching a child though. There was only one incident, I promise. I was doing school work one foot away from my child, while he was deeply entertained by the digital books with headphones at the 

library. The next thing I know, I look up, and he’s not in his chair. I see him across the room in an elevator. Oh boy. Long story short, I spent probably an hour searching for him in the three-story huge public library, and he was finally found. Ever since then, I have learned to keep my eyes on him as much as I can. 

I have learned so much since becoming a nanny including, commitment, finding love for the city I grew up in, getting off of technology, loving nature, and time management. I now know how it feels to have a group of people depend on you to show up for your job. I found love and joy that I did 

“Tacos” posing for a picture. She is the cat of the family whom I nanny for. 08 March 2023

not know my city had despite living there for eighteen years. I juggled school while working a full-time job and finished high school. It was such a wild year for me and I am so thankful for what being a nanny has taught me.

The child I nanny for posing for a picture while in the 

middle of a dance party. 13 May 2023