Priscilla’s grading contract evidence
- Civic Engagement “Demonstrates ability and commitment to collaboratively work across and within community contexts and structures.” In the photo below, you can see my subgroup collaborating with Jenn from MOBOT. In our discussion, she was able to answer all of the questions about implementing our project. I am happy we were able to answer some of her questions as well. She offered some great resources for us outside of MOBOT to gain knowledge and we plan to work together more.
I am adding a slide I created that was possible for our project plan presentation. Working with MOBOT, it is important to mention stakeholders so that we know who is benefitting. As we continue to work with them, our implementation plan shows our ability and commitment to collaboratively work across and within community that surrounds the garden.
2. Based on (4) Global Learning “Adapts and applies a deep understanding of multiple worldviews, experiences, and power structures while initiating meaningful interaction with other cultures to address significant global problems.” “Our group members, Shelby, Li, Priscilla, and Aydien focus on the African American knowledge in the garden. For our output, we would like to use a booklet that includes QR codes to educate visitors about the garden of Shaw’s history. For our project, booklets would be a helpful resource. These booklets would contain valuable information, including detailed accounts of some of Shaw’s slaves and tax records associated with the slaves. Additionally, it would provide details on various types of bounty hunters within the St.Louis and Illinois area. It would contain several QR codes throughout the booklet that lead to information about the basement of Shaw’s house and links to the MOBOT site.”
This passage is from the “Dear Sean” letter presented at MOBOT. This is our plan for the project collaboration with the garden. I chose this section as I felt my writing showed an understanding of the issue of telling the stories of the past that many people are unaware of and how we plan to tell these untold stories.
3. Based on (7) Skills for Lifelong Learning“Pursues knowledge and educational experience beyond the classroom.” “Our group would like to focus on MOBOT visitors to be Stakeholders. We would like to share our knowledge and educate people who visit the garden about the African American history at MOBOT. Our geographic focus would specifically be the house within the garden. We would like to reach out to as many visitors as possible, our involvement is especially important.”
This is a section I wrote for my group’s implementation plan notes. I chose this section because I am explaining who our stakeholders plan to be for our group.
This page is an example of my notes taken during class after reading a few resources to help my subgroup with our project.
4. Based on (11) Reading“Evaluates texts’ scholarly significance to apply reading to other contexts or issues.” “I may be interested in a tool where you can use a QR code and it leads you to a digital platform. When I was given the example during our visit Thursday, I liked how efficient it was, as well as how easy the access was.”
This is a section I wrote in my first reflection after our first scheduled site visit of the semester. After looking at all of the tools provided for us, I thought the QR code would be very helpful and I am glad my group thought the same.
5. (20%)Based on (13) Written Communication“Demonstrates a thorough understanding of context, audience, and purpose.”
The slide below is from my subgroup content assignment. I was able to summarize the ideas we have by understanding the context, audience, and purpose.
In the photo below is our MOBOT visit from September 19th. My group member and I are presenting our initial plans for our project to receive feedback. Our group wrote a “Dear Sean” letter to represent our ideas. In this letter I thought about who our audience was (MOBOT partners and CODES students/staff) as well as the context and purpose.