
Student Name: Priscilla Kincanon

Grade Contracted For:  __X__ A    ____ B   ____ C

What concepts are you going to learn, or skills are you going to develop?How will you learn the content/ develop the skill?What evidence will you add to the portfolio to demonstrate your learning?How will you and I assess the evidence of your learning/skills?
(20%)  Based on 11A, I will  examine the scholarly value of texts in order to apply what is read to different situations or problems.Use connections when reading text

Apply my background knowledge into the topic

Find if an other issue like this relates
Notes taken from Articles that we read for class discussions

The sources I found support my work for Digital project #3
I can read text and make connections

I can understand an issue and find others that relate

I can make notes that help me understand text
(20%) Based on 5B, I will use relevant sources and efficient, well-designed search techniques to access information.Research accurate

Find a reliable source 

Use new strategies to better my reserach
Digital Project #2

Articles for class discussions
I can research to find credible sources

My research is on topic

I have found strategies that help me research 
(10%)  Based on 8C,I will  create primary themes that are compelling and original and substantial supporting materials.Write down my clear message with supporting details and then research further

Find strategies that help with organization
Digital Project #2


Digital Project #3 presentation
My writing and speech will be organized

There will be clear supporting evidence 

My speeches and presentations make sence and is relevant to my topic and central message
(10%) Based on 4A, I engages in meaningful connection with people from different cultures to address pressing global issues while adapting and using a thorough awareness of various worldviews, experiences, and power systems.Learn more about issues that people go through that I do not

Understand others culture

Listen to others stories, essays

Class discussions

Digital Project #2
My research shows the understanding of world views. 

I can get an understanding of the issues that impact them

I can listen to others and think thoughtfully about their discussion
(40%) Based on 13A: I will reveal an  in-depth knowledge of context, audience, and goal.Find my intended audience

My writing has a clear point

Use context to make writing have a purpose 

Digital project #3
Clear topics in writing

I will write to my intended audience

My evidence will back up and support my topic to show my knowledge in my essay