Class Portfolio

Template for a Class Portfolio


Since starting this program, I have learned a lot about communication and organization. We communicate a lot in this class, and we are learning to think about the problems that cause the big problems. What I enjoy the most about this class is the off-campus trips we get to take to see these places in person. I feel like we learn more when its hands on. I struggle with staying focus through the entirety of the 3-hour class sometimes and I can get very unorganized. I think I excelled at stepping in the leadership role especially with source analysis I had with Justin. even though he talked the most in the discussion I got all the material together for us to talk about and I made a time to get together. I want to keep developing my organization skills throughout this course.

Provides leadership in civic engagement activities (20%)

I displayed leadership during the source analysis that I had with Justin. I scheduled a time for us to meet and discuss what we are going to talk about. I lead the way for what information to present and when etc. I failed at actually showing my leadership during the presentation. It is kind of hard getting my words out with Justin being my partner, but I could have tried harder instead of giving up.

Identifies and analyzes core beliefs and reflects upon their origin (20%)

While watching the movie Flint we had time to analyze what the beliefs of the city were and what the beliefs of the government was. in the movie the town had led in their water and the stores were running out of bottled water. I analyzed that fresh water to be available to all, but the government thought otherwise. The origin of the problem was the government changing the water system. I can do better with reflecting upon origins because that requires keeping an open mind, but I struggle with that.

Uses clear organizational patterns and is skillful at presenting content cohesively (20%)

The main way i have presented content cohesively was by presenting my source analysis. I did a good job with organizing it which is something I wanted to improve on, but I did poorly present the content. During the presentation Justin did most of the talking and I should have done more talking. I had a lot of the information I just didn’t take my chance to preset it. Next time I want to put my foot forth and present the information I have.

Identifies and evaluates multiple approaches for solving problems (20%)

In this class we do a lot of identifying problems. We use the mirror board a lot to give out ideas to identify problems. I think I should be more involved when we are throwing out ideas but besides that we haven’t actually implemented any problem solving. I also want to improve thinking outside the box and coming up with multiple ways to solve a problem.

Uses language to skillfully communicate with clarity and fluency (20%)

I think I have improved on my language skills a lot with speaking with more fluency and clarity. I want to improve on actually just talking more with my classmates and getting more involved with the conversations. my voice doesn’t carry well so I want to improve my clarity in conversations as well. I can stutter in conversations which can make them less fluent at times.