
In my first year at SIUE, I am striving for an A in Codes 121. By following through with this plan, I will earn my A (20%).  

1c.)  Provides leadership in civic engagement activities 

In group activities I will strive to have a voice and take on the leadership position. It can be easy to fall to the back of the class especially when being surrounded by intelligent people. I will be breaking out of that habit and giving myself in a large setting or civic engagement. 

3a.) Identifies and analyzes core beliefs and reflects upon their origin (20%).  

To me this means understanding who you are to the core and what the root of my beliefs are. I want to learn about who I am as a person and the other people around me. Understanding someone and their origin can really give you the big picture sometimes. Keeping an open mind is at the top of my list this semester.   

8a.) Uses clear organizational patterns and is skillful at presenting content cohesively (20%).  

I lack organizational skills and stumble over my words a lot when presenting in front of a class. I know for codes we must present information sometimes so I will be learning how to fluently present my information. The main thing I want to learn is to keep going when I stumble because sometimes, I won’t say what else I have to say when I trip. I can directly practice this with working on the source analysis and digital project.  

9b.) Identifies and evaluates multiple approaches for solving problems (20%) 

Learning to solve problems is going to be a crucial part of codes. Sometimes I can be stuck trying to solve a problem just one way. This semester I will break out of my comfort zone and think outside the box.  

13c.) Uses language to skillfully communicate with clarity and fluency (20%) 

I believe I am an intelligent speaker but sometimes my speech isn’t fluent or in the correct tone. I’m sure I’ll be talking a lot this semester and I want to use less words such as “like” or “uh”. I think you can tell a lot about a person based off how they communicate. My communication will evolve through our class discussions of our source analysis and through my writings like the digital projects.