
In this section of the portfolio, speak in broad strokes about the skills and content you’ve learned during the first half of the semester. What did you most enjoy? What did you struggle with? What goals do you think you’ve most excelled at meeting and what do you want to continue developing during the second half of the semester?

Goal 1 (20%)

Based on (3. B): Recognizes multilayered ethical issues and the cross-relationships among them.

In my Data Cleaning SA I talked about the ethics of giving the correct errors in their research to present correct data. I have personal had to deal with data when it comes to survey responses and I used this information to make sure I developed research ethically.

Goal 2 (20%)

Based on (5. C): Responsibly integrates research and demonstrates a full understanding of the ethical and legal restrictions on information use.

In my video, I use the survey answers to back up the claims of our research question. I also made sure to get the consent of the people we  interviewed to record them in order to use their data in an ethical way.

Goal 3 (20%)

 Based on (10. B): Uses quantitative data analysis as the basis for deep and thoughtful judgments, drawing insightful, carefully qualified conclusions.

While conducting my ethnography I gathered data to come to the conclusion that people who are typically not in a rush are more likely to be nicer and hold open the door. I came to this conclusion by sitting in Peck Hall collecting data by watching people walk in and out  of the building. 

Goal 4 (20%)

Based on (4. A): I will be able to adjust and apply different worldviews, perspectives, and experiences to address global problems  

In my Ted Talk reflection I use Adichie's story to relate it to MOBOT on how telling the stories of the enslaved are important.

Goal 5 (20%)

Based on (11. A & B): Evaluate texts’ scholarly significance to apply reading to other contexts or issues.

Identifies texts within and across genres, monitoring and adjusting reading strategies based on their nuances.

In my final project, I use information from the animal bites data set to make connections to the areas surrounding MOBOT.