Student Name: Shelby Terrell

Grade Contracted For  __X__ A    ____ B        ____ C

What concepts are you going to learn, or skills are you going to develop?How will you learn the content/ develop the skill?What evidence will you add to the portfolio to demonstrate your learning?How will you and I assess the evidence of your learning/skills?
(20%) Based on (12. A, B, C):  Facilitates collaboration by articulating the benefits of alternative ideas. While also working with others to build on contributions and meet my deadlines and goals.

Using the strategies I used last semester while also improving on things I struggled with last semester, Communicating and collaborating with other students in my group and class to develop solutions.Ethical Research labs Digital Story mapRevising my portions of the Ethical Research Labs after receiving feedback to show improvement Using the necessary knowledge document to show how I collaborate with others to generate ideas
(20%) Based on: 8 C. I will develop clear and relevant responses with information to support my claims in discussions.Coming prepared to class by reading the assignments and taking notes so I can be able to participate in discussions.Notes taken before and during class to show how I prepare for discussions Using sources from SA’s to use that in my discussion points

Seeing me speak out in discussions at least twice a class. When I lead a discussion I will use well-developed questions to help guide the conversation in a productive way

(20%) Based on: 13 A, B, C. I will demonstrate mastery of the subjects I write about in assignments, display a clear understanding, and use language skillfully to communicate with clarity.  Taking accurate notes for writings Referring to text when needed in reflections to demonstrate understanding  Turning in assignments before class Citing references Using appropriate language in essaysSource Analysis will be turned in on time. I will use feedback to edit and improve my writing Ethical Research labs
(20%) Based on: 11 A. Evaluate texts’ scholarly significance to apply reading to other contexts or issues.Summarizing and analyzing texts to connect to our research. Applying text with my group to show the context of our wicked problem  Collaborating with my group to work on labs. Using sources from assignments to connect it to bigger projectsEthical Research Labs Necessary Knowledge Document
(20%) Based on: 3 C. Applies ethical concepts to a question and considers their full implications.  Contributing to the necessary knowledge document Looking up sources that relate to my groups research topicSource analysis that use sources that relate to my group’s topic Lab assignments turned in on time that show ethical reasoningSource Analysis Lab Assignments Necessary Knowledge Document