Interviewing someone, especially a friend like Justin, felt familiar and comfortable. Since we share classes, the conversation flowed naturally, and there was a sense of ease that comes with discussing shared experiences. This comfort allowed for a more open and honest dialogue, as Justin felt at ease sharing his thoughts and experiences with me.

In terms of the questions I asked, I believe they were effective in eliciting meaningful responses from Justin. However, upon reflection, I could have perhaps worded some questions differently to dive deeper into his feelings and experiences regarding time management and its impact on his daily routine. For example, instead of asking, “Do you rush to class or take your time depending on how late or early you are?” I could have asked, “Can you describe a specific instance when you felt rushed or relaxed on your way to class? How did it affect your overall day?”

Crafting questions that are open-ended and specific can lead to more insightful responses. Additionally, maintaining a conversational tone and actively listening to Justin’s responses helped in keeping the interview engaging and meaningful.

Transcribing the interview was a valuable experience as it allowed me to reflect on Justin’s responses more deeply. It also helped me identify any areas where I could improve my interviewing skills, such as asking follow-up questions or clarifying points for a more comprehensive understanding. Overall, interviewing Justin was a rewarding experience that not only deepened our friendship but also provided valuable insights into how time management impacts different individuals.