
In this section of the portfolio, speak in broad strokes about the skills and content you’ve learned during the first half of the semester. What did you most enjoy? What did you struggle with? What goals do you think you’ve most excelled at meeting and what do you want to continue developing during the second half of the semester?

Goal 1 (20%)

(12. A, B, C) Facilitates collaboration by articulating the benefits of alternative ideas. While also working with others to build on contributions and meet my deadlines and goals

While working on this survey I got to work as a group. We developed a research question and we're currently working on distrubiting this survey to collect data to use for research. 

I also got to create a video to present with my group at MOBOT. This helped me use my research from the surveys and interviews to develope a final product.

Goal 2 (20%)

(8. C) I will develop clear and relevant responses with information to support my claims in discussions.

Using my responses from my source analysis’s I would use that to response to questions and back up my claims during discussions.

Goal 3 (20%)

(13. A, B C) I will demonstrate mastery of the subjects I write about in assignments, display a clear understanding, and use language skillfully to communicate with clarity.

In this artifact I am showing how well I can summarize a topic. To show my understanding I then take the main points of the article to show how I understand the source. Within this source analysis I then use the information from the summary to relate it to my research in my group and our team as a whole.

Goal 4 (20%)

(11. A) Evaluate texts’ scholarly significance to apply reading to other contexts or issues.

Using videos from the source analysis, my group and I made connections to relate to our overall problem at MOBOT. For example, the short reparative justice videos were used as research for the section Li talks about in our video.

Goal 5 (20%)

(3. C) Applies ethical concepts to a question and considers their full implications.

I uploaded this source in our Neccesary Knowledge document to use for a possible source analyis. In my group, we are looking into ways to incorporate African American Knowledge into MOBOT. On this sight I found showcases African Americans in botany. Using this source we can look into ways that MOBOT could do something similar on their website and at that garden itself.